
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Falling into Yellow - Wordless Wednesday

Visit Wordless Wednesday for more photos.


  1. how beautiful - is that Evening Primrose? It looks like what I have growing all along my fence and it's getting ready to bloom here. Happy WW!

  2. I love that plant, and for the first time in years I will get to see it bloom because we now have a deer fence.

  3. How could a butterfly resist? Beautiful.

    Here is my Wordless Wednesday: French Mannequins.

  4. I used to have a large stand of Evening Primrose ... until deer found it. Thanks for sharing yours.

  5. Stunning! The yellow blooms make me feel very happy! Thanks for sharing.

  6. Your charming reflections comments label sums up the soft sunshine hues. Makes for a happy WW :)

  7. Such a great sign of spring.

  8. You have some very happy hued blooms right there. I've used Evening Primrose many times but never seen it growing. Is it easy to cultivate? The deer here might be a problem, does it do well in potted plants?

  9. This is such a happy looking flower. No wonder the deer want to eat it up.

  10. Beautiful! I like that yellow much more than the yellow pollen here.
    Happy WW!

  11. Flowers, flowers and more flowers. Simple and yet WONDERFUL!

  12. they look lovely Michelle, I've never seen them in the real I understand they have a beautiful perfume, Frances

  13. I am waiting for my sundrops to open. They always brighten up the garden like these do here. They bring their own kind of happiness.

  14. Such a lovely color and a cheerful plant! Sunflowers have a similar hue and they cheer me up, too.

  15. Thankyou for calling in on my blog. So kind of you to leave a comment and as a result I have had a great deal of pleasure scrolling back through yours.
    I particularly love your terraced vegetable beds. The stone walls are enviable.
    Wonderful golden yellow flowers. I haven't got a garden big enough for yellow. I see it as a colour of meadows and wild flowers(even weeds!)
    It has been the most abundant colour around here this spring...first the daffodils, then dandelions and now gorse.
    Thanyou and best wishes to you,
    Cheers Gillian

  16. @Chris Yes, it is Evening Primrose. This was given to me by a fellow Master Gardener. Happy WW!

  17. @colleen Your comment made me smile...butter it is!

  18. @Carolyn @ Carolyn's Shade Gardens That's great! Every year I am amazed how beautiful it is. The deer, so far, have not come around to that side of the yard because it is next to my neighbor...hope things stay that way.

  19. @Deb Nance at Readerbuzz I popped on over to your place...cute mannequins! Thanks for stopping by!

  20. @joene Aw-w...those deer! My problems have been mostly with voles.

  21. @Karin / Southern Meadows They make me happy, too! Such a nice surprise in the garden.

  22. @Beth F I really enjoy all these phases of spring. Thanks for coming by.

  23. @Savvy Practicality Yes, it is easy to cultivate. I got these two clumps from a fellow Master Gardener. They have settled in well. I hear the deer do like them. I am not sure if they do well in could give it a try.

  24. @Lesley So far, I have been deer. I hope it stays that way. Thanks for stopping by...

  25. @Aerie-el Thanks, Aerie-el...I like it, too. Hope the pollen subsides soon.

  26. @Dave@Gardeningonadime Sometimes it is nice to see a lot of one thing...with these it came out nice.

  27. @Island Threads I wish I could say mine have a nice fragrance, but I could not detect it. I love the colors, anyway.

  28. They do bring a lot of joy...just with their sunny color.

  29. @Bumble Lush (A Garden Blog) Isn't it? It just brightened my day when I saw it...thanks for visiting.

  30. @PlantPostings I like sunflowers, too. They seem to brighten up the garden.

  31. @Gillian Yellow does seem to be all over. Thank you for you lovely compliments and for taking time to stop by.

  32. @hisbeautifulsinner I love yellow in the seems to brighten whatever spot it is in.

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'I see trees of green, red roses, too
I see 'em bloom for me and for you
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world'
--What a Wonderful World

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