
Thursday, October 25, 2012

October Flair

Red Knockout Rose

Much of October is filled with golds and tangerines of autumn, but there are still some blooms in the garden. The Knockout roses are still blooming. My Jackmanii clematis bloomed a second time, offering these bold and beautiful blooms.

Clematis, Jackmanii

Although I am taken by all of the fall color, the herb garden is full of color and pollinators. Bees, moths, butterflies gather among the basil and sage and garlic chives.

Garlic Chives, Allium tuberosum

Tansy grows very large and spreads very quickly, so I locate it at the edge of the woods. It would take over my small herb garden if I planted it among the other herbs.

Tansy, Tanacetum vulgare

Even the clematis seedheads are beautiful--like fluffy white flowers.

Clematis Seedhead

The moonflower plant grew way outside of its trellis, and I thought it was not going to bloom. However, as soon as the weather began to turn, the blooms began to show. I am joining Tootsie Time for Fertilizer Friday.

Moonflower, Ipomoea alba


Virginia of Tangent Gardening has awarded The Sage Butterfly with the Sisterhood of the Bloggers Award. If you are not familiar with Virginia's blog, take a look and enjoy. I am very honored she selected The Sage Butterfly to receive this award.

Seven things about me are:

1. I someday would like to travel to Mexico or Southern California to view the Monarch butterflies as they winter there.
2. There are days I cannot decide whether I love flower gardening or vegetable gardening more.
3. I love cats, big and small, wild and domestic.
4. I am not a big fan of insects, but the longer I garden the more intriguing they become.
5. I like snakes and appreciate their role in nature.
6. Flowers always leave me breathless.
7. Chocolate is my addiction.

I nominate any and all of the blogs listed in my blogroll.

© copyright 2012 Michelle A. Potter


  1. I have enjoyed my visit today...good post!
    I wish I had more time to visit all of my favorites every time you all post!
    Thank you so much for linking in and sharing your post with my party today! Your photos are awesome!!! I am sharing this post on my Tootsie Time Facebook page! Have a wonderful day!!!
    ¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.

    1. I am so glad you enjoyed your visit, Glenda. Thank you for the share on Facebook and for hosting.

  2. Michelle, congratulation! Your blog deserves this Award! I love the photo of clematis jackmanii, mine is under a cover now.

    1. Thank you, Nadezda. Your weather is much colder, but we should have had one frost by now. I suppose it is a little late.

    2. Hi!
      I nominated your blog on ‘Beautiful Blogger Award’!

      You can find your Award here:


    3. Thank you so much, Nadezda. I really appreciate you thinking of The Sage Butterfly.

  3. Beautiful images! Isn't Knockout exactly that? Mine is still a blooming fool and looks great.

    Congratulations on the award.

    1. Thank you, Deanne. Those are my favorite roses because I don't have to do much to them.

  4. Your photographs are stunning, particularly the first two. Have a nice wknd!

    1. Thank you very much, Beth. We are in the midst of Hurricane Sandy...hoping we will not lose power.

  5. Such beautiful pictures. I love your October flair! And congrats on the award too. :)

  6. It does seem that some of the plants just keep on blooming beyond expectation. My encore azaleas have been blooming since August and they still look gorgeous. All your images are stunning. I especially like the clematis seedhead.

    1. Thank you, Karin. I have not tried encore Azaleas, but I hear such good things about them.

  7. Gorgeous photos! Sometimes it seems as if summer is reluctant to leave, or maybe we are moving into a new kind of Fall :) My clematis is still in bloom as well, although our pollinators are gone, not willing to risk getting caught in a surprise snowfall.

    1. Thank you, Rosemary. I still have some pollinators but not as many...fewer butterflies.

  8. Wow, you've still got a lot of color. My clematis is long gone, though there are still a few roses. We just had our first real frost this morning.

    1. Thanks, Jason. We still have not had a frost whereas we usually have our first one mid-October. After this hurricane, the weather may change.

  9. The colors are so vibrant and I love all the details on the bee wings. The Clematis seedhead is an awesome shot!

    1. Thank you, Rohrerbot. I always love looking at the bee wings. Until I photographed them, I never knew how beautiful they were.

  10. Beautiful images Michelle, especially the Clematis. Congrats on the award. It is nice when bloggers award really deserving ones, such as yours.

    1. Thank you, Donna. I think it is nice that these awards are out there to support us bloggers.

  11. Wow, you have a lot blooming still! I love the shots of the Clematis and the Moonflower. Congratulations on the award--so well-deserved1

    1. Thank you, Beth. Those are my favorites as well. I just love moonflower...the scent is intoxicating.

  12. Gorgeous flowers and photos! Love the one of the clematis. Congrats on your award :)

    1. Thank you, Alicia. Those clematis seedheads are so interesting.

  13. How nice to have some contrasting color to all the yellows and oranges this time of year. Love the photo of the clematis seedhead!

    1. I agree, Rose. It is nice to have some summer long-lasting blooms amid the autumn hues. I am glad they decided to stick around.

  14. I love that you included clematis seed heads in your photo essay. I think they're beautiful, too. Congrats on the award! Your blog is fabulous!! :o) Stay safe in the storm. You're in my thoughts.

    1. Those clematis seedheads are a favorite...just love them. You stay safe as well. I hope it does not wreak too much havoc.

  15. Your photos are amazing. I hope one day you'll get to see the monarchs in their winter home. Wouldn't that be fascinating!

    1. Thank you, Holley. I would absolutely savor those moments of watching the monarchs carpet those trees. It would be a real treat.

  16. You take some really outrageous photographs, love the shocking colour in these. I too share your addiction to chocolate and Halloween is my perfect excuse for buying far too much of it - it's for the kids right? sure

    1. Thank you, Marguerite! Halloween candy is the best...and a perfect excuse to indulge. :)

  17. Wow Michelle you still have garlic chives flowering! Mine were all over ages ago. I still have quite a lot in bloom but this morning was frosty so I don't know how much longer the annuals will last. Glad to see you still have plenty of lovely sights in your garden. :-)

    1. Thanks, Mandy. Some of them are going to seed, but there are still some in bloom. The pollinators just cover them all day. I am surprised I don't get stung as I walk through the herb garden, but they seem to be busy.

  18. I like your bee on the garlic chives! Gorgeous pictures.

    1. Thank you, Janneke. They seem at home on the chives, don't they?

  19. Oh, I'm so envious of garden writers/bloggers who still have a lot of color in their gardens. I'm down to a few remaining ... ahem ... florets on my phlox. Your C. jackmanii is so stunning. Oh well, it'll be spring in 6 months.

    1. They won't be here for very long, but I have enjoyed them. I cannot believe October is almost over. This year has gone by so quickly.

  20. The photos are always so beautiful on your blog. The bee on the chives is one of my favorites. I think snakes leave me breathless for other reasons, mostly out of respect, then tip-toeing away.

    1. LOL! I understand your respect for snakes. I am very cautious around them for I have encountered some copperheads.

  21. Your garden is still blooming and I hope you were spared the hurricane bearing down. Our bees are barely moving but the few blooms still going keep them happy. Breathtaking images and what an intriguing award...chocolate is a good addiction.

    1. The hurricane is approaching as I write this. The worst is predicted for this evening. I don't know what state the garden will be in afterwards.

  22. Beautiful blooms! I love the photo of the clematis seed as well. Some clematis seeds are so pretty! My Jackmanii is blooming as well - a nice fall addition! Congrats on your award!

    1. Thanks, Indie. I do like that about jackmanii, the fall display.

  23. Those knockout roses just keep going and going. i think they bloomed ten out of twelve months last year for me. I also love moon vine. i have planted it close to the house, and it gives me a good reason to peek outside after dark. I also enjoyed reading seven things about you; I share #7!

    1. I have planted one of the moonflower vines close to the house, and, as you say, it is a joy to peek outside and take a look at those blooms.

  24. If I may, can I introduce you to
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  25. Ah, October is magic too isn't it? The colors, the change, the energy.


  26. Thank you, Michael. It is a very special month.

  27. We planted Rosa 'Knockout' and love it. My poor moon flowers never got a chance to flower, and now it has gotten too cold. Maybe next year.

    1. I am so sorry to hear about your moonflowers not blooming. I honestly thought mine were not going to bloom, but as soon as the cold weather hit they began blooming profusely. Here's wishing you better luck next year.

  28. We often over look the Clematis seed heads captured perfectly in your photo. They also look particularly good on the Clematis Tangutica.

    1. I absolutely love clematis seedheads. They are so beautiful, and I am glad I can enjoy clematis in many forms throughout many of the seasons.

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'I see trees of green, red roses, too
I see 'em bloom for me and for you
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world'
--What a Wonderful World

Thank you for visiting The Sage Butterfly blog. I enjoy reading your charming reflections very much. Have a great day!