
Saturday, January 19, 2013

A Celebration of Blogging and a Birthday

Today marks the second birthday of The Sage Butterfly blog.

And I want to celebrate, celebrate, celebrate!!!


Words for Blogging

Joy - Magic - Creative - Fun - Enthusiastic - Sharing - Expressive - Rewarding - Educational - Connection - Appreciation - Limitless - Caring - Laughing - Generous - Practical - Enchantment

Meeting Other Bloggers

All over the world there are bloggers who blog on various subjects, each adding a unique stamp to blogging with unique approaches. It is a joy to meet so many like-minded people and share interests.

Sharing My Garden

I share my garden with friends and family and neighbors, but it is a pleasure to share it with readers and other  bloggers. With comments that encourage and support, I am always inspired to continue improving and adding to the garden.

The Blogging Experience

I have enjoyed the experience of writing this blog and sharing my garden with all of you. There is so much to explore in the garden, and each year brings more and more to share and to learn. I look forward to many more years.

Some of my favorite posts:

Breathing Lessons
The Seven Faces of My Garden
My Garden Notebook - May 2012
Natural Garden Recipes for Pest and Disease Control
The Vole in the Garden: Control Methods
Sun-dried or Oven-dried Tomatoes
Broken Clay Pot Redux

The Readers

With all of my pleasure in preparing, writing and sharing my garden, the readers make it all worthwhile. You are the ones that drop by, sometimes leaving a comment, sometimes leaving an email. With your visits, you motivate me to continue, to be creative, to always savor my garden. I am very grateful.

Blogging Party

I am joining the Grow Your Blog party hosted by 2 Bags Full. There are approximately 250 blogs participating from around the world. Bloggers introduce themselves in a post and visit some of the other blogs in the party. If you are new to my blog, I hope you will take some time to explore. Enjoy your visit!

Vicki, the host, asks that there be a giveaway and a short introduction.


I am giving away two copies of my 2013 In the Garden calender. Anyone who leaves a comment and indicates their interest will be included in the drawing. I will announce the winners in a blog post on February 1, 2013.

About me

I am a writer/photographer living on the east coast in the USA. I have been blogging about my garden for two years. As a Master Gardener and with over 25 years gardening experience, I teach composting classes in my community. I began blogging to document my garden and connect with other gardeners. The Sage Butterfly is about all things gardening including organic gardening methods, observing wildlife, and savoring the garden. I also love to cook, crochet, knit and quilt.

© copyright 2013 Michelle A. Potter


  1. Congratulations Michelle on your second blogging birthday - I have always enjoyed visiting your blog for beautiful pictures and sound advice - long may you continue.

    1. Thank you very much, Elaine. I really appreciate it. Gardening and blogging provide me with a lot to enjoy. :)

  2. Happy Blog Birthday. I love your blog came across it on Grow Your Blog Party, will be a follower from now on.

    Would love the chance to win a calendar.

    Love Lesleyanne xxx

    1. Thank you, Lesleyanne. It is very nice to meet you, and thank you for stopping by.

  3. Gratuluję drugiej rocznicy prowadzenia bardzo ciekawego bloga. Miło tu zaglądać. Będzie mi miło brać udział w zabawie o kalendarz. Pozdrawiam.
    Congratulations on the second anniversary of a very interesting blog. It's nice to look here. It will be nice to take part in the fun of the calendar. Yours.

    1. Thank you very much, Giga. It has been a very nice experience and I look forward to the future.

  4. Happy Blog Birthday !!!
    Thank you for following :). Beautiful your world. Nice to meet you :).
    I wish you good ideas, more followers and that your blog would always be so well and colourful !


    1. Thank you very much for your kind wishes, Aukse. I hope the same for you.

  5. From this long-time reader, but only occasional commenter ... happy blogversary. I always pop to enjoy your fantastic photos and your monthly garden notebook entries. Keep up the great work.

    1. Thank you very much, Bernie. I appreciate it very much.

  6. A very happy blogging birthday. Always enjoy your posts and pictures.

  7. You take some amazing beautiful photos.
    Good weekend from Marit, Norway.

    1. Many thanks! I enjoy photographing my garden and nature.

  8. Congratulations!
    What fabulous photos - I especially like the rose!
    I would love to win a copy of your calendar!

  9. Oh my goodness! The beauty of your blog just blew me away! Your photographs are amazing. This is such a peaceful oasis from the craziness and rush of the everyday world. You have really made yourself a slice of heaven on earth here!I'll be back to watch the seasons change through your eyes and those of your camera!
    Please enter me in the calendar contest, too!

    1. Thank you! It is a respite for me as well, and I am so glad you find something here to give you joy.

  10. Congratulations on two blogging years! Your blog is so beautiful and you always have awesome pictures!

    Satu from Finland

  11. Congratulations with your second blog birthday. Your photos are always so beautiful and I love your writings too. Hope to enjoy many more years of your blog.

    1. Thank you, Janneke. I really appreciate that. It has been a wonderful two years.

  12. Happy birthday to your blog-your photos are gorgeous! I love gardening, I grew up growing food since a child-however where I live now is quite the challenge so I have been using large tubs to grow a few veggies. I would love to be included in your drawing for your calender. thanks so much for stopping by my blog Kathy

    1. Thank you, Kathy. Large tubs sound like a great idea to grow food. My veggie garden is tiered raised beds, and I really like how easy it is to garden in them.

  13. Congrats on the two year mark!!!! Beautiful photos as usual! Here's to many more years to come!

  14. So glad to find your blog! I have quite a small garden that is in very much need of some attention (having been sadly neglected due to health concerns the last year or so) - I'm hoping to spend a lot more time out there this Spring, so glad for the inspiration. Your photos are beautiful!
    Oh, and Happy Blog-Birthday!

    1. Thank you, Rachel. You can do lots with a small garden. And I hope you feel better.

  15. Thanks for stopping by! Your garden photos are beautiful!! Count me in for a calendar!! Yes kitty cats do warm the heart and rule the roost! LOL! Have fun with the blog party! Linda

  16. Hello! So nice of you to pop by :) I'm so happy to have found your blog, these pictures are beautiful and your garden looks amazing!

    Happy blog birthday!!

    1. Thank you very much, Nikki. It is very nice to meet you!

  17. So nice to meet you, what a beautiful blog you have and your photos are fabulous!

  18. congratulations on your bloggie birthday. your pictures and blog are beautiful. glad I found you on this blog party adventure. Oma Linda

    1. Thank you, Linda. I am glad you came by. This party has been a joy.

  19. Happy Blog Birthday to you! It's no easy feat to keep with this for so long and I appreciate reading your posts.

    1. You are so right, Marguerite, but I am glad you keep up with it as well. :)

  20. Happy Blogaversary! Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier, I am here to return the favor. My what a lovely garden you have. I love to garden myself, however, where I live has been in a horrible drought for a couple of years and the summer gets extremely hot and everything is stagnant it seems. But there is hope at least.I hope you have a great day.

    1. Thank you, Debbie. I am so sorry to hear of your drought. We have had summers with awful droughts, but I can not imagine a longer drought than that.

  21. I was hooked at your blog title - I am a nature girl at heart and love photography and gardening and I have a feeling I am going to learn a lot from you about gardening. Would love to be entered into the drawing!

    1. Thank you, Kim. It is nice to meet another nature girl. It is my favorite place to be. :)

  22. Congratulations and Happy Blogging Birthday! It's nice to come to your blog and see beauty in abundance. :>} I'd like to be entered in the drawing, too.

  23. Oh your photographs are breathtaking! So happy you stopped by my blog so I could find you... for you see, I am a horrible gardener. I obviously didn't inherit the green thumb gene from my father who has a beautiful garden and yard. Each Spring I hope to do better, but just maybe by being inspired here I will actually succeed! I shall be back for certain! Happy Blogging Birthday!!!

    1. Thank you, Maureen. My mother gardened while we were children, and I had no interest in it at all. I loved nature but did not want to garden. I am glad I caught the bug later on. :)

  24. Congratulations! I hope you continue writing, photographing, and blogging for years to come. Your blog is always a pleasure to read.

    1. Thank you very much, Jason. It is always a pleasure to connect with people like you. :)

  25. Congratulations on two years of beautiful blogging... Your garden and wildlife photos are stunning... so much to see here. Thanks for stopping by with your sweet comments. Ciao for now...

    1. Many thanks, Mary. I am very glad you enjoyed your visit.

  26. Visiting you from the blog party, thank you for stopping by! You have some lovely post here! Congrats on your 2nd Blog B-day.
    Hugs Marilou

    1. Thank you, Marilou. I am really glad you had a nice visit.

  27. Hello,

    Nice to meet you.:)Your blog is full of great photos.I love them.:)And I would love my callendar in my house.:)


  28. Thank you for stopping by my blog, because it lead me directly to yours and your fabulous photography. I am your newest follower and look forward to seeing what treasures you bring my way in the form of your captures :).

    1. Much appreciated, Kathy. Nature has so much to inspire.

  29. Happy Anniversary... hope the coming year is full of dreams that come true!

  30. Happy Blogging Anniversary!
    Amazing photographs....
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment.
    I hope you are able to make many new bloggy friends.

    1. That is so kind of you to say, Michele. Thank you! Glad to meet you.

  31. Thank you for stopping at my little place thru the blog hop..and you left a comment..
    wonderful, so I can return the visit and won't miss out on your beautiful blog. What
    awesome photographs. Your calender looks awesome, I would appreciate being included in the giveaway..

  32. This blogging party has been so much fun! Thanks a bunch for stopping by my blog & leaving a comment. I look forward to following your blog.


    1. It has been a joy to meet so many wonderful bloggers such as you, Carol. I have enjoyed the party, too.

  33. Congradulations on your blog milestone. Your blog is lovely! Thanks for stopping by today at Buttermilk Cottage! Happy weekend and best,

  34. Hi Michelle, Your photos are stunning! My favorite is the primula! Thanks for stopping by and leaving a sweet comment.
    Blessings, Beth

  35. Howdy Michelle..

    You have a beautiful blog and I am so very glad you come to visit me and left invitation for me to visit you.. i hope to return soon...Hugs

    1. Thank you, DeeDee. I am very happy you enjoyed your visit.

  36. Hi Michelle,
    oh, what a wonderful blog you have with the most gorgeous pictures.

    It is so nice to meet you, and I am so excited to visit your blog frequently. My Hubby and I have been working on a garden paradise with a large pond for several years.
    It has been a wonderful journey, but we are truly beginners.

    thanks for visiting me :)


    1. Thank you, Diane. Your pond sounds lovely. So glad you stopped by.

  37. Happy happy GYB and your blogs birthday. You have a great blog and thanks for stopping by my blog. Enjoy the growth of your blog.

  38. Hello! So very nice to meet you and your photography! Capturing the droplets of water on the flowers, wow! The pictures are stunning and your giveaway will be a real gift for someone! Thank you for stopping my blog too. Dianna, (porchsittintimeforscooby)

    1. Many thanks, Dianna. Those droplets were a great find. I am glad you enjoyed your visit.

  39. What a wonderfully joyous post - congratulations on your second blogaversary!

  40. Happy Birthday to your Blog! Love, Love, Love your blog. Besides Quilting, Gardening would be my second love if I had the time. I have house plants all over the place. I try and have some vegetables and other good things during the growing season, which is short in NE Ohio. I am now following your blog by email.

    1. Much appreciated, Rosemary. I have lots of houseplants, too...probably too many. So glad you stopped by.

  41. Happy Blog-a-versary! Oh my goodness, what a beautiful, welcoming blog you have! Your post about breathing lessons was incredible! Thank you so much for visiting my blog. It's going to be such a pleasure to follow you. :)

    1. Thank you, Sharon. I am very glad you enjoyed the Breathing Lessons post. I enjoyed writing that one. :)

  42. Hi Michelle,

    Thank you so much for your visit and happy 2nd birthday! I love gardens but I'm not very good at keeping plants alive without an instruction manual on how to do so. Haha!

    I am constantly amazed by the generosity and friendliness of the blogging world. We may live miles apart but this thing called blogging has closed that gap.

    Here's wishing you a beautiful day!

    Cheers! =D

    1. How I agree with you, Kellie. Blogging is such a great way to connect with friends from all around the world. So nice to meet you here.

  43. What a pretty blog and photos! Thanks for visiting my blog and I am pleased to meet you!

    1. Thank you very much, Donna. I am pleased to meet you, too.

  44. You have a very lovely blog. I'm a new follower and a 'Grow Your Blog' participant. Have fun at the party!

    Evalina, This and that...

    1. Thank you, Evalina. It is a pleasure to meet you and follow your blog.

  45. Hello! It is good to meet you and thanks so much for dropping by my blog today! I look forward to learning a thing or two from you. I garden and so enjoy getting my hands dirty and spending hours going from one thing to another. Your looks beautiful.

    1. Hi Jim and thank you for your kind words. I enjoy gardening, so it is easy to express that love in this blog. So nice to meet you.

  46. Michelle how wonderful to celebrate your anniversary with a party...I wish you many more years and I love the giveaway!!

  47. What a beautiful blog...your garden is amazing! Thanks so much for sharing it with us.

  48. Thanks for visiting me and enjoy the party. It is truly amazing the people that you meet. I love seeing your pictures and the butterflies are beautiful. I would like to win a calendar with beautiful pictures. A Missouri Friend.

    1. Thank you, Shirley. It is nice to meet you as well. You are in the drawing.

  49. Happy Blogaversary times two! Here's to more of your wonderful posts and gorgeous photos!

    1. Thank you, Holley. So kind of you to offer such lovely wishes.

  50. Happy 2nd Blogaversary. Mine will be in March. I love having a blog to visit for gardening advice. I'll be back when I can spend more time. xo

    1. Thank you, Barbara. May I wish you an early congratulations on your blogaversary/birthday.

  51. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love the pictures on your blog. They're so colorful.

  52. Happy Birthday!! Swinging by from the hop! Check out my blog and follow if you'd like!

    Happy Saturday!!

    1. Thank you, Noel. It has been a wonderful party, hasn't it?

  53. what a gorgeous blog - love your work. please enter me into your giveaway. would love it if you would stop by my blog. have a great weekend. take care. ( :

  54. Happy blog Birthday! I'm excited by this party and thanks for visiting me! I love the look of your blog but really the gardening is wonderful and I can't wait to learn so great gardening ideas! Thanks!

    1. Many thanks, YaYa. I am glad you enjoyed your visit.

  55. How lovely your blog is. Really a gentle place. So glad I met you via the Grow Your Own Blog Party.

    1. That is such a nice thing to say, Sea Witch. Thank you!

  56. Happy Blogaversary! And what beautiful photos! Thank you for stopping by The Modest Peacock. Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the blog party! :) :)

    1. I enjoyed the party very much, Jenny. I am so glad you stopped by.

  57. Hi Michelle, happy blog anniversary! I so enjoy visiting your blog and seeing all your wonderful photos. Take care, Helene.

    1. Thank you, Helene. It is always nice to see your face here. Have a great week!

  58. Hi Michelle, So nice to meet you and visit your beautiful blog. I love your garden pics and the amazing colors you captured. Happy Blog Anniversary and many more fun times blogging. Your giveaway is very special and I would love to enter. Thank you for stopping by and visiting my blog and your kind comment.
    Enjoy the party.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

    1. You are entered! And thank you for stopping by here. It has been so much fun.

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. Congrats, Michelle! You have a beautiful blog. Here's to many more years of blogging and comparing gardening stories!

    1. Thank you, Beth. I so enjoy our connection through gardening and blogging.

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. Hi Michelle! I am so thrilled to meet a master gardener such as yourself, that is like a far away dream of mine! Your photos are beautiful, and I plan to visit more, I love gardening! Thank you for your visit, and I would love to win one of your calenders.....fingers crossed!

    1. So kind of you, Sharon. It is really worth it to apply for Master Gardener training. It opens so many doors. Thank you for your visit!

  63. Third time (to try to leave a comment) is hopefully a charm! (I think my computer was low on battery; I've plugged it in.)

    Thanks for stopping by Boulderneigh today, and leading me back here. Your photos are INSPIRING!

    1. I am glad you were persistent, Michelle. Thank you for your very kind words.

  64. Happy blogiversary. Thanks for visiting my blog!

  65. Happy anni! Your photography is stunning - looking forward to seeing what awaits in your garden in the coming months ;)

  66. Nice to meet you - happy Blog Birthday - your photography is beautiful. Will visit again. thanks for visiting me. Betty the wood fairy

  67. Oh gosh your photography is so stunning - I would love to win one of your calendars - I bet every photo is frameworthy!

    1. You are so very kind! You are entered. Thank you for your visit.

  68. I don't think I know the best adjective to describe your photography. Maybe breathtaking.

  69. Nice to meet you and Happy Blogoversary.
    Your photos are absolutely stunning

  70. Thanks for visiting my corner of the world. Your photography is lovely and that calendar looks great! The weather in Kuwait is certainly not conducive to growing things most of the year. At least we are in the winter season now where plants have a chance to bloom and grow. Wishing you a wonderful day. Tammy

    1. Many thanks, Tammy. That must be a very harsh climate indeed. Thank you for your visit.

  71. Hi Michelle,
    I'm on the GYBP trail and stopped on by via the lovely comment you left over at my blog Knitalatte.
    Your photography, wow, so beautiful along with your talent for gardening. Happy Blogoversary.

  72. Happy blogoversary! And WOW those images you've posted - you sure have a handle on macro photography.

    Popped in from the Grow Your Blog hop.

    Give me a visit some time ~

    1. Many thanks, Tami. This blog party has been so much fun.

  73. Happy Blogoversary. I love the pictures, we live in a town house so not much room for a garden but my husband did container garden this year. Though we learned that asparagus will not do well and something ate the Brussels sprouts.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    1. Thank you, Ziggyeor. I lived in a townhouse for many years, but I had a large backyard. I stuffed it with veggies and flowers and containers, too. :)

  74. Congratulations on your blog's second anniversary! You have some amazing images in your post! Connecting with other garden bloggers has been a rewarding experience for me as well.

    1. Yes, Jennifer, it has been very rewarding. Thank you for your visit.

  75. So glad you're blogging! :o) Love your photography!

    1. Thank you very much, Tammy. I am happy you are here, too.

  76. Stopping by from the Grow Your Blog party. I'm Sherrie from Bird Lady Blog. You have fabulous photos of your garden. I love to grow flowers in my few pots and small rock beds. I plan on following along with the Sage Butterfly Blog!

    1. Thank you, Sherrie. I love rock beds. They must be very pretty.

  77. Hi Michelle,

    Happy Blogoversary!!
    Yes, Please enter me in your giveaway.

    So nice to meet you! I want to thank you for visiting with me and for leaving a comment. I have my giveaway details posted now if you'd like to take a peek. I don't think I had it posted yet when you visited. Your comment already has you entered for it.

    Have a wonderful day,
    Steph ♥

    1. Thank you, Steph. I will take a look. It is so nice to see you here.

  78. Happy Bloganiversery Michelle.
    have a wonderful day

  79. Hello Michelle
    So nice to meet another kindred spirit. I too am a Master Gardener although with emerita status now and continue to write a weekly gardening column. Are you also a member of the Garden Writer's Association?
    I am unable to follow your blog as I only have Google Connect so I've bookmarked you and hope to visit often.
    Drop by for a visit.

    1. Thank you, Judith. Yes, I am a member of GWA. I enjoy blogging about my garden and exploring all the possibilities.

  80. What fabulous photos and what a beautiful garden. Looking forward to learning more about you

  81. Oh, I'm so glad we were both in this blog party and you visited my blog so that I could find yours!! Your photographs are GORGEOUS, as are your flowers. I'd love to be entered for your calendar would certainly make my cubicle more tolerable! =)

    1. Thank you, Heather. I know how those drab cubicles can be. You are entered. Thank you for stopping by.

  82. Congrats! And an awesome two years it has been!

  83. What a delight to visit you Michelle,
    Your photography is stunning. I love flowers, gardening, wildlife, birds and nature in general, so I think we have a lot in common. I also love to take photos although my dear old trusty camera has had a few falls and knocks along the way and it really should be replaced...but we've been on quite a journey since I started blogging so I'm reluctant to switch!
    I too have a 2013 calendar as my 'giveaway'. ;D
    Congratulations on your two years...I wish you many more happy years ahead and hopefully I'll be able to enjoy those years visiting again.
    Have a great time partying :D

    1. Whoops forgot to thank you for visiting my place earlier...

      Neesie ♥

    2. Thank you, Neesie. I am so glad you came by. I, too, am attached to my camera. It has been with me everywhere. :)

  84. Happy anniversary! I always love how your words and photos are seamlessly intertwined. I'm indicating interest in the calendar :)

  85. Thank you for visiting my blog too. :) I'll be back when I have more time to look around. Gardens just "send" me, I love them in any season.

    Best Wishes,


    1. Thank you, Val. Gardens have the same effect on me. :)

  86. Your photos are breathtaking! I'm visiting from the Grow Your Blog party. Happy Blog Anniversary!

    1. Thank you very much, Donna. And thank you for your visit.

  87. Wow! I am a newbie gardener who found your blog through the party! Your blog is outstanding! I look forward to learning new things through your journey! Cheers!

  88. Happy birthday Sage butterfly. I like your good looks, and interesting words. Looking forward to catching up with you more in 2013.

    1. Much appreciated, Alistair. That is very nice of you.

  89. Hi!Nice TO MEET YOU AND YOUR BEAUTIFUL BLOG!I also love gardening, so I willbe a loyal follower!!!!!

  90. Oh..and Happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!

  91. Sodininkai isgelbes pasauli! Sveikinu su dienorascio gimtadieniu, aciu uz grazius darbus. Gardeners will save the world! Congrats to birthday of the blog, Thanks for the nice job.

    1. I like that, Salma. I think gardeners will save the world, too. :)

  92. Many happy returns beautiful butterfly! I have so enjoyed reading your blog over the past few months and look forward to many posts to come!

  93. What gorgeous photos! I would love a chance to be entered in your giveaway. Thank you!

  94. I love your photos and I love your garden. Photography is a wonderful way to track change and growth in the garden as well as capturing the amazing beauty which is there.

  95. Your photos are simply breathtaking. As soon as I've worked my way through all these wonderful blogs I'll come back for a visit!

  96. Happy 2nd Birthday! Wishing you continued success and happiness :)

  97. Congrats on your blog anniversary, lovely photos!

  98. Congratulation on your second blogaversary! I should show that delectable orange rose to my bushes, which are sulking till March.

  99. Happy blogoversary! Your photography is stunning - my personal favorite out of here is the shasta daisy. I am a gardener as well, but on the other side of the country. Last year we bought a home, and my biggest project that I started is getting rid of the huge lawn in front and next to the house and replace it with native and drought tolerant plants (and some fun annuals as well). I also started to compost which is pretty new to me. I have been gardening for many years, but coming to California almost 12 years ago was a lot of trial and error (so different to gardening in Germany where I am from). But it always is fun and very satisfying.

  100. Hi Michele, Congrats on your two years of blogging! I sure envy people who can garden and to be a Master Gardener is quite an accomplishment! Your gardens are lovely. I would love to be in your drawing for your calendar. Thank you for stopping by to see me.

  101. I am so happy you stopped by my blog and am thrilled to find your beautiful blog. I have been toying with the idea of master gardener classes. I will start by following you and go from there..... Lovely photos, another interest of mine!

  102. Congratulations on your 2 years blogging.
    .I`d love to enter your giveaway for the gorgeous calendar.
    pippirose59 at gmail dot com

  103. Oh my! You certainly know how to capture the essence of your garden.
    Your photography is exquisite and I appreciate every image!
    I am a gardener also but am torn between my love of mixed media/fabric collage and my garden and property of natural bush and european trees which has very recently been scorched and singed by our huge bush fires here but I know things will return to normal.
    Thank you for visiting and I will return here to you to - how could I not with a name like The Sage Butterfly.

  104. Just stopped by for a visit from Vicki's party. Wow! Your photography is gorgeous! I have to become a follower because I wouldn't want to miss your future posts. I love flowers and nature and take a lot of photos too. it's one of my favorite things to do.

  105. beautiful photography!! Just so very lovely. I'm nuts about the variety of sedums in my rock garden. Wish I had your green thumb!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, too!


  106. Congratulations on your second birthday. Thanks for sharing your beautiful garden and wonderful photographs. Many happy returns.

  107. Your calendar would be lovely to win in the drawing. Your site is beautiful and photography stunning. Thanks for doing Vicki's Party. Please stop by if you haven't already and sign up for my giveaway. (I'm tardy because my motherboard died and went to the grave!) But, I have a replacement now! Hugs from Alaska. Karen


'I see trees of green, red roses, too
I see 'em bloom for me and for you
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world'
--What a Wonderful World

Thank you for visiting The Sage Butterfly blog. I enjoy reading your charming reflections very much. Have a great day!