
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Garden Love

A garden is meant to be treasured and enjoyed--meandered and gazed upon. Many gardens are designed for contemplation and diversion. My garden was designed for these purposes as well and as a place to learn, to experiment, and to have sanctuary from the outside world. Each day my quest is to bring more beauty and more elements of harboring the soul into my garden. I often get lost in that quest, thinking and planning what the next step may be and how to achieve it. I become lost in all the tasks that still need to be done. I see what is missing and what needs to be repaired or redone. And I forget to enjoy it..., I want to take a moment to stop and behold my garden, smell the fragrant bouquet of the roses, touch the velvety softness of the lamb's ears, and reflect on the serenity of the wind as it wanders through the trees. I want to visit each nook and corner and savor the beauty, the aroma, the textures, and the views.

First, the cottage garden with endless smiling daisies and a bee favorite, mountain mint, is always a satisfying find.

Each year, I find myself favoring a particular plant. One year it was veronica with its endless and straight spikes reaching up to the trees. Another year it was the willowy gold blooms of coreopsis. For the last two years, it has been hydrangea with its full billowy blooms that exude color in various hues.

There are a few places to contemplate, read, or simply be...

Without the wildlife--the birds singing, the hummingbirds lording over feeders, the bees flying and buzzing, and the dance of the butterflies--, the garden would feel lost and empty like the ocean without the sound of seagulls and boat horns. To me, there is nothing more beautiful than witnessing nature live and breathe.

And nature provides in various unexpected ways. A wild blackberry bush provides us with delicious blackberries, and a volunteer pumpkin or gourd cropped up to offer a surprise.

Having a vegetable garden is one of the greatest joys I can imagine. The aroma, the fruiting, and the biting into flavorful homegrown vegetables is heavenly.

Sometimes the camera catches a view I have not seen. The butterfly bush is a treasure as it attracts many butterflies.

It is so satisfying to see the plants fill in all the gaps.

A new sound that adds so much serenity to the front yard is the fountain.

What areas of your garden deserve some garden love?

©Michelle A. Potter


  1. Nice post! Sometimes we do forget to look at the beauty, instead of the chores. Love the pic with the butterfly bush in it!

  2. Well said. So much to see and experience if only one takes the time. Sometimes it is the smallest things that bring the most pleasure.

  3. Your garden looks like a wonderful respite! I know what you mean about favoring a particular plant -- that happens to me, too. Enjoy!

  4. I feel so relaxed just looking at pictures of your garden. It's truly beautiful.


  5. You have created a garden that is just a beautiful place.

  6. Lovely to meander in your garden. Wish my borders were as full as yours. Very struck with the mountain mint but Hydrangeas are among my faves too
    Have a lovely weekend and Happy 4th


  7. A beautiful post! You're so right about getting so involved with seeing what needs to be done that we sometimes forget to simply enjoy; I know I'm guilty of that far too often. Your garden is lovely and full of so many treasures to stop and enjoy. I love all the photos of the wildlife in the garden--they add the crowning touch to any garden.

  8. Your hydrangeas are beautiful. You have some lovely mosaics today. enjoyed your post!

  9. Lovely post... Thanks for the reminder to enjoy the little things..
    You have a beautiful blog.
    Happy Friday & hugs from Savannah, Cherry

  10. Wonderful! Thanks for letting us meander around the garden with you...your fountain is so pretty. I have one right next to the back door, but I always forget to turn it on. Ooops!

  11. I was having a stressful day and decided to take a break to read your blog. Good thing I did because this was the perfect post for me to read. Thanks for making my day better!

  12. @HolleyGarden I do that too often, I'm afraid....but I am learning.

  13. I agree...small things give the most pleasure. I am trying to take more time to enjoy...

  14. @PlantPostings Thanks, Beth. I never know what plant I am going to is always a surprise!

  15. @thegardenilivein I have tried to make it a relaxing is nice of you to notice.

  16. @Greenearth I hope I can see that more often than not.

  17. @PatioPatch Thanks, Laura. It took a lot of patience to wait for those borders to fill in. Happy 4th!

  18. @Rose Thanks for your lovely comment. I think I will try to take these moments to savor more often.

  19. @Beth Thanks, Beth. I simply love hydrangeas...intoxicating. I am so glad you stopped by.

  20. @cherry Hi Cherry. I need to remember that little tidbit more enjoy the little things.

  21. @Hanni I am so glad you enjoyed it. We have our fountain on a timer so we don't have to think about it. Have a good weekend!

  22. @Desperate Gardener I am so glad it brightened your day. I have days like that...Have a good weekend!

  23. Places for contemplation - definitely good to incorporate in the garden! Your yard is so inviting. I think you've achieved this goal!

  24. Thanks for the reminder to stop and smell the roses. Your gardens are lovely.

  25. You are so right! I spend too much time noticing what needs to be done, and not just sitting and enjoying. But I do really love working in the yard. Your blooms look so pretty and healthy. Thanks for stopping by.

  26. I have to agree wholeheartedly about vegetable gardens. The aroma is something I think we usually overlook. The smell of a sun ripened tomato as it's picked from the vine can only be experienced in the garden. It's just never the same in the store.

  27. Lovely garden! Must be lot of effort and passion. Including your site in my blog roll; that's OK?

  28. What a beautiful posting. You are so right that all of these elements make gardening so enjoyable. We need to sit still and enjoy it more than we do.Have a wonderful weekend.

  29. Beautiful fountain, yes, the sound of water is lovely and calming in the garden. Love Buddliea, ours is just coming into flower.

  30. What is this life if full of care

    We have no time to stand and stare?

    William Henry Davies 1871 - 1940

  31. A beautifully written post with matching photos. Your garden is looking great. I think my vegetable patch deserves some more garden love from me. It looks quite untidy.

  32. I enjoyed touring your garden via your lovely photos. Thanks so much for sharing! ~~Rhonda

  33. Your garden is beautifully, definitely a place where one can just "be". From the gorgeous plantings to the wonderful sitting areas, it looks like a peaceful, serene place. And I agree, too often, we forget to just enjoy the peace and serenity of these fabulous gardens we create!

  34. I can see the garden from my studio window, and my husband has been spending a lot of time taking care of the garden. He told me he wants me to see something beautiful when I look out the window.

  35. @Shirley @ The Gardening LIfe Thank you, Shirley. That is very nice of you to say. I am always hopeful that I am on the right track.

  36. @joene You are welcome, Joene. I needed the reminder myself.

  37. @Rosie I enjoy working in the garden also, Rosie. Thank you for returning the visit.

  38. @Curbstone Valley Farm True. I really am not able to get a good whiff of much from produce in the store. Home vegetable gardening rocks!

  39. @Asha Ram Thanks, Asha Ram. I will take a look at your site as well.

  40. @Lona Thank you, Lona. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend.

  41. @Bridget I really love our fountain. It adds such a lovely atmosphere to the garden.

  42. @Janet I remember this it, love it, love it!

  43. @Autumn Belle Thank you, Autumn Belle. It is quite a job to keep it tidy, isn't it?

  44. @~~Rhonda Thank you, Rhonda. I enjoyed sharing it.

  45. @Cathy and Steve Thank you for your kind words. It is not always for others to admire our gardens.

  46. @Margaret Almon That is so nice to be able to look up from you work and see such beauty.

  47. You have a beautiful garden - your blog sounded as if you were in rather a dreamy, romantic mood when you wrote it.

  48. Your garden is amazing! I didn't knew about mountain mint, thank you for the picture.

  49. @elaine rickett I suppose I was. I was in a more appreciative left-brained mood rather than the practical right-brained mood. :)

  50. @Graziana Thanks, Graziana. Mountain Mint is new to the garden...I like it!

  51. I scrolled down to find another post to comment on so I could say that I forgot to say I love your bird bath/fountain. I see you have a closer photo of it here.

    This was a beautiful post! I'm looking forward to when the plants in my front yard get full sized. I am wanting to create more privacy for us, and habitat and food for the butterflies and birds.

  52. @Corner Gardener Sue Thank you, Sue, it has added so much to the front garden with the peaceful flow of the water. I can relate to your quest for privacy and your desire to accommodate the wildlife. Your garden is so lovely and mature. I am sure it won't take long to attain your goals.


'I see trees of green, red roses, too
I see 'em bloom for me and for you
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world'
--What a Wonderful World

Thank you for visiting The Sage Butterfly blog. I enjoy reading your charming reflections very much. Have a great day!