
Thursday, July 28, 2011

My New Herb Garden

For many years, I have wanted an herb garden--a designated area just for herbs. Currently, I use many herbs in the vegetable garden for companion planting, but sometimes they get too large and take up valuable gardening space. I also have herbs scattered around the flower beds because I like herbs mixed with flowers and other plants and they also act as pest deterrents.

A few weeks ago, we finally began work on our herb garden. The space we selected is near the back entrance of the house for easy access. It will be nice to quickly run out and snip a few herbs for cooking. This spot was a grassy area where grass struggled to grow because of the repeated traffic to and from the patio. Here is the before photo:

We started by laying out the cross path to have four quadrants. The stepping stones are 16 inches square. We doubled the paths to have ample room for getting something large on and off the patio, so each path is 32 inches wide. My husband lays these stones so well. He digs them in and places them on crusher run. After the path was complete, we set edgers around the herb beds up to the path in each quadrant.  I planted some Sky Pencil Japanese holly (Ilex crenata) at one edge to camouflage the wooden stairs.

Herbs I planted in the beds:

Sweet Basil - Ocimum basilicum

Osmin Purple Basil

Rosemary - Rosemarinus officinalis

Spicy Globe Basil

Thai Basil - O. basilicum thyrsiflorum

Variegated Basil - Ocimum x citriodorum 'Pesto Perpetuo'

Sage - Salvia officinalis  *  Dill - Anethum graveolens  *
 Variegated Sage - Salvia officinalis 'Tricolor'  * Parsley - Petroselinum crispum 

The finished herb garden...

Other herbs I have since added to the herb garden are garlic chives, Italian parsley, and fennel. I may add some additional herbs over the coming weeks. As the Japanese hollies grow, they should change the view of the stairs.

I look forward to using these herbs for cooking and herbal teas. I will relish the opportunity to find so many so near.

I am joining Frugal Friday at  The Shabby Nest

and Home and Family Friday at Home is Where My Story Begins.
©Michelle A. Potter


  1. Great job on the garden.

    What I like about chives is it's an herb that looks like a beautiful ornamental flower - edible and beauty.

  2. You both did a really nice job. Looks lovely and very practical.

  3. That looks gorgeous! How exciting! It looks beautiful and will smell so lovely and be so useful too!

  4. Your garden is looking better and better! It must smell really good too with all those herbs!

  5. That looks great. The stepping stone pathway is a great idea, it will give good access for weeding etc.

  6. Herb gardens are wonderful for a host of reasons, pretty, functional, and insect heaven. I like them more for the delicate flower forms and color and of course, the bees, but nice to cook with too. You two did a great job of laying out a design, thinking of the views and function too! Beautiful.

  7. Looking good - does your basil do ok outside, I have only ever grown it in the greenhouse.

  8. Looks like you've found the perfect place for your herb garden; the stepping stones really set it off. I'm growing basil and rosemary in a pot this year, but it would be nice to have a more permanent place for herbs. I don't cook with herbs that much, but I do enjoy looking at them--my basil is covered with delicate purple blooms right now.

  9. I'm in love with your herb garden, I want to copy your idea!

  10. Beautiful job! I love herbs...

  11. Great work! I'm always inspired by other people's ideas and you are no exception. I have this empty space in my lawn that I'm thinking will include an herb garden and a small pergola. Thanks for sharing.

  12. Your photos are stunning! I'd love it if you'd stop by my blog and link this to my Home and Family Friday linky party!


  13. I love how your organized your herb garden! I bet it smells so good.

  14. Love this...I have been vaguely considering an herb garden for "someday"...and yours is the perfect arrangement. Maybe I can twist your arm sometime into letting me feature it in one of my Before & After posts?

  15. @Your Gardening Friend You are so right. This year I incorporated some overgrown chives into my cottage garden. I love the blooms!

  16. @Clipped Wings Thank you, Clipped Wings. I am very happy with it.

  17. @One Thanks, One. It is nice to have the herbs so close.

  18. What a beautiful bed! And I can imagine you will get lots of use out of it, as well as it being so pretty. I need to borrow your husband! I have lots of projects he could do! ;)

  19. @Bridget Yes, we think it will help with weeding and going to and from the patio.

  20. @elaine rickett Thanks, Elaine. Yes, basil does well during the late spring to early fall...after and before frost....about April to October.

  21. Thank you for stopping by my blog! The herb garden looks great!

  22. @Rose I used to grow my herbs in pots as well. I had them on the deck so it would be easy to snip them for cooking. I also like looking at them.

  23. @dona Thanks, Dona. I am so glad you like it. You are very welcome to copy it.

  24. @Anne Thanks, Anne. And thanks for stopping by.

  25. @Adele Stevens Thanks, Adele. I like the idea of a pergola and an herb garden...great idea!

  26. @Becca Thanks, Becca. And thank you for your kind invitation.

  27. @Bumble Lush (A Garden Blog) You are so kind, Bumble Lush. It does smell very nice.

  28. @Hanni Thanks, Hanni. I was at that 'someday' stage until the oregano threatened to take over a garden bed...thought it was about time. And there is no need for arm-twisting, I would be honored to do one of your Before & After posts.

  29. @HolleyGarden LOL! He has really helped me a lot as I continue to 'create' the garden. Thanks for your kind comments.

  30. @Jordyn Thanks, Jordyn. I am glad you stopped by.

  31. I love making new bedding areas, or rather planting them -- they are a job to prepare. Yours turned out perfect. Salads are different creatures with fresh cut flavors in them. Fernleaf dill is good for that too. But like Elaine, above, all my basil has to stay in the greenhouse so it will actually have leaves.

  32. Oh that is so good. I really like it.

  33. Yummy, what time shall I stop by for dinner:)

  34. Beautiful Work! Some of my favorite herbs! In a great setting.. You certainly are going to have fun aren't you? Enjoy!

  35. Very nice herb garden! You will very much enjoy being able to step out the door and snip some herbs. I keep most of my herbs outside on my deck just out the kitchen door! Works Great! Thanks for visiting my blog! Happy Gardening!

  36. That is a beautiful herb garden. I bet it smells divine too.

  37. Hi! Yes, I have been doing the same...planting herbs in my vegetable and mix border beds. I don't have a dedicated herb garden but yours is inspiring! I really like how you incorporated the evergreen Japanese Hollies for interest and structure and to hide the stairs a bit. You must like basil a lot. I've grown several of these but have never heard of some of the others. Do you make your own pesto at the end of the season? It's one of my favorite things to do! Have fun with your herbs!

  38. Love the herb garden! I am envious because I have so many deer and rabbits all my herbs have to be in pots on the deck...lucky you!

  39. You won't regret this for a second! It's beautiful, functional and you'll have the sweetest little flowers. I can't wait to take pictures of the thai basil when it blooms this fall! My oregano is starting to bloom along with the mint and the flowers are so delicate and pretty. Enjoy! I know you will!

  40. In time, you'll need a little Thyme. Sorry, couldn't resist. And oh, the Oregano.

    I need an herb garden nearer the back door.

  41. I agree with Cat. It's beautiful AND very functional. Very inspiring, and I'm imaging the beautiful herbal scents!

  42. don't you just love basil? i have several kinds, too, and adore them all. the purple ones are especially nice and make pretty vinegar, too. i know you'll enjoy using all your herbs.

  43. @linniew I, too, love making new beds. Thanks for your nice compliments.

  44. @Lola Thanks, Lola. I am so glad you like it.

  45. @virginia Indeed...I am so happy to have it very near the house. Thanks, Virginia!

  46. @Family Balance Sheet It does...especially when we brush against the rosemary.

  47. I do like basil very much. And yes, I make lots of pesto. It is one of my favorite things to do as well.

  48. @Mary-Sweetwater Style I don't feel lucky when rabbits and raccoons get into my garden, but they do leave the herbs alone.

  49. @Cat Thanks, Cat. The bees go crazy over the oregano in the garden. Maybe it will attract more pollinators...yeah!

  50. @NellJean LOL! I have since added thyme to the herb garden...and it flourishes in other parts of the garden.

  51. @PlantPostings I love herbs. I also can't wait to add more and more.

  52. @Daricia Thanks, Daricia. This is the first time I have tried the variegated one.

  53. I love what you've done! It looks fantastic and its practical. Kudos on picking a very talented hubby!!! :) :)

  54. It's wonderful!! Ripping up the grass and replacing it with something more enjoyable is always such a great feeling. It's already pretty but the whole area will be incredible once everything grows in. Very well done!!!

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. It is so Cuuuute! I like what you done with the cross-walk and the choices of herbs.. very pretty!

  57. I love herb gardens and yours turned out great! I am impressed that you took on this project in the summer heat. Bravo!

  58. Lovely. Enjoy. Fresh picked herbs are one of the best parts of summer cooking.

  59. @Casa Mariposa I am looking forward to when it is filled in. Thanks for stopping by.

  60. @Vetsy Thanks, Karin. We were lucky...that particular weekend was somewhat cooler.

  61. @joene Thanks, Joene...I am looking forward to it!

  62. That's a lot of effort. The herbs look healthy. Happy gardening!

  63. @Asha Ram We are glad the work is over and now we can harvest the goods.

  64. Thanks for posting this, very nice. I wanted to have those herbs, too.

  65. What a unique and brilliant choice to put fennel in your herb garden! Did you know that fennel has many medicinal benefits? It’s most popular as an anti-flatulant, but it also helps in relieving menstrual cramps, constipation, and respiration disorders. Its seeds also help improve digestion, when taken as a tea decoction. Good luck with your fennel, and all the herbs in your garden!


'I see trees of green, red roses, too
I see 'em bloom for me and for you
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world'
--What a Wonderful World

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