
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Romance, Collections, Tenacity - New Blotanical Bloggers

Although I recently attained Guru status on Blotanical Blog Directory, I still feel like somewhat of a novice as I am still learning new things about Blotanical, blogging, and garden bloggers. However, I have enjoyed and continue to enjoy the Blotanical blogging community with all that it has to offer--especially all of the wonderful garden bloggers who have chosen to be a part of this incredible blog directory. It continues to be a joy to learn about other gardens and gardeners from all over the world.

As a Guru, I am offered the opportunity to mentor some new garden bloggers as they learn all of the ins and outs of Blotanical. My mentor was Donna from Garden's Eye View, and she offered assistance when I needed it and provided me with a good example of how to become involved in the Blotanical community.

Meet my new BlotSprouts.

Romantic Gardening

The greatest gift of the garden is the restoration of the five senses. -- Hanne Rion

Lorraine's blog explores the garden using the senses. In her most recent post, she features her lush and lovely cottage garden. The photos of this lovely garden transport you to another time when romantic and lush cottage gardens were the norm, and sitting amid the garden plants was more than a pastime. Older posts explore other gardens, gardening books, and particular plants.

Mama Nene's Garden

Gardening is the art that uses flowers and plants as paint, and the soil and sky as canvas. --Elizabeth Murray

Perla's blog delves into plant collecting in the Philipines. She explores a variety of tropical plants, from roses to cacti to orchids. Her enthusiasm for gardening is evident through her beautiful macro photographs of her plants and her tender care for each element of their needs. She is not hesitant to describe her struggles, as well as her successes, as she learns more and more about her plant collection.

The Stubborn Gardener

The love of gardening is a seed once sown that never dies. --Gertrude Jekyll

Sharie's blog endeavors to steadfastly commit to gardening as a task, not allowing any of the difficulties to discourage her. Through her tenacity, she teaches us all to never give up. Some of her posts include plant features that include ratings on pest and insect resistance, invasiveness, and disease resistance. One of her regular posts includes Tenacious Tuesday where she includes tips on tools, weeding, and other gardening subjects.

If and when you get the chance, take some time to explore these blogs and extend a welcome to these garden bloggers.
©Michelle A. Potter


  1. Hi Michelle, Thanks for introducing your BlotSprouts to us! I've been so busy that I might have missed these so it was great to get a "personal introduction".

  2. I have not gathered BlogSprouts after initially seeing how it worked. Four that I did approve did not need assistance (and visit my blog as I do theirs) and eight never responded when I visited the blogs. I hope your mentoring is much more rewarding. I find it like clicking and forgetting. It is really nice of you to review them.

  3. You'll make a great mentor! Congratulations on attaining Guru status, I've got a long way to go yet. I know what you mean about still feeling like a novice, you can't know it all, not with the collection of bloggers on Blotanical.

  4. Congratulations on achieving Guru status! You're already an inspiration, a perfect choice for a mentor! I already "met" two of your newbies... I'm off to visit the third!

  5. congrates....i just turned into master blot, sounds like a super hero! lol can't imagine reaching guru blot....
    always enjoy your blog. g.

  6. Wow! Congrats on Guru status! What beautiful introductions of the ones you mentor... I will be visiting their blogs for sure...

  7. Congratulations! I wonder if Donna of GEV feels like a Grandma to your Blotsprouts.

    Nice of you to introduce your Blotsprouts.

  8. Guru status! congratulations. I'm sorry to report that I don't spend near enough time on Blotanical to gain any sort of status but I like the sounds of this new sprout system.

  9. Congratulations on your Guru status! I'm afraid I don't get on Blotanical very much anymore. I wasn't even aware of the Blotsprouts, but what a neat idea to help new bloggers. These three are lucky to get such a great mentor!

    Enjoyed your Bloom Day post; I'm looking forward to the cooler days of the autumn garden, too.

  10. @Christine @ the Gardening Blog It was my pleasure. I really enjoyed your Blotsprouts introduction, and I made a note to do the same when my turn came around.

  11. I am sure that must be frustrating, and I know it happens. I really feel their is value in the support, but some may not share my view.

  12. Michelle aren't you sweet. You needed little help believe me and have taught many of us a thing or two. I will definitely make sure I check out these blogs. You will be a great mentor. I actually have been thinking about finishing my blog about my Sprouts but I just keep adding more to mentor. I will do this around my blogging one yr anniversary...thx for giving me the little shove to finish it...perhaps it should be something all us Gurus do on a regular basis...

  13. @Adele You are so kind to say so...I'll do my best. At times, I kinda' like not knowing it all...leaves me with a lot to look forward to.

  14. @Cathy and Steve Thanks, Cathy and Steve. Your kind words have made my day.

  15. @virginia Thanks, Virginia. As Greggo says, it sounds like a superhero! LOL!

  16. @One LOL! I suppose we must have some great, great grandparents among us as well.

  17. @Marguerite Thanks, Marguerite. I hope it helps the new bloggers. I know I benefited from it.

  18. @Rose Thanks, Rose. I wonder who came up with the term, Blotsprout,...kinda' cute. It will be nice to have some cooler weather.

  19. Michelle, congratulations on your guru status and thanks so much for giving me a shout out - it is much appreciated!

  20. Dear Michelle, You so.o.o deserve Guru status - your blog and your presence are valuable contributions to Blotanical. I love how you introduced your blogsprouts. I didn't have a mentor and know having your advice would have been very beneficial to me. P. x

  21. Hooray for your new status! I will definitely check out the new blogs. They sound awesome. :o)

  22. Congrats on achieving Guru status. I think it's a nice thing for you to introduce new bloggers. I don't think my Guru did that. I'll visit your blotsprouts!

  23. Congratulations to a new guru! (BTW BlotSprout was my word)

    I got ticked off that the posts from new blogs list didn't work. But my newest BlotSprout is there. Hope fervently that it will work right going forward!!!

  24. Congratulations on your status. I really enjoy reading your blog.
    I have a stone in my garden with the words, "Hope Never Fails Within A True Gardeners Heart"
    I think this is so true.

  25. please guru/mentor you also have a blogspot and how did you add that 'reply to comment'?

  26. BlogSprouts...I love that. Congratulations. I'll be checking out all your new sprouts.

  27. Congrats! It's heart-warming when I visit and read articles on your blog and other blogs of so many seasoned gardeners. :)

  28. Congrats on the Guru status. I aspire to get to that pinnacle of success someday but until just now I didn't know why. Gurus should be required to mentor. That's what gurus do, right? I would have loved a mentor! It's wonderful that your passing along some helpful tips to others.

    PS I also loved how you introduced the new crew. I look forward to reading more from them in the future.

  29. Dear SB. thanks for this review of 3 new blogs. I always laugh at the name blotsprouts. When I have finished laughing I will take the time to visit and support these newbies to the blogosphere. cheers, cm

  30. and ... forgot to say congrats on achieving lofty status of guru!

  31. @Donna Thank you, Donna, for your kind comments. I know you will continue to be a great mentor to your blotsprouts.

  32. @Pam's English Garden Thank you, Pam. You are so kind to say such nice things. I have a feeling you did not need a mentor.

  33. @Elephant's Eye Cute word! I also had an issue with one of mine, but it seems to be working now.

  34. @Lola What a great saying to have in the garden! It is very true.

  35. @Elephant's Eye I sent you an email with the link for the code. Good luck!

  36. @Asha Ram Thanks, Asha Ram. I also find it inspirational to read about so many different gardener experiences.

  37. @Clipped Wings Isn't that a fun word? I am sure they will appreciate your visit.

  38. @Ann, aka Amateur Bot-ann-ist Thanks, Ann. My method is simply to be of assistance where I can. I am sure they don't need me hovering over them like a mother hen.

  39. @catmint It is an interesting word, isn't it? I am sure they will enjoy your visit! And thanks for your kind wishes.

  40. Congrats on your Guru status. I'm not sure what that means yet, but I am sure it's a good thing. :)
    Thanks for mentioning my blog and sending me a few visits. I appreciate it. Hoping to spend some time on Blotanical today to poke around and see what's what. Enjoyed reading your blog. Great pics and recipes as well.
    Romantic Gardening

  41. @The Sage Butterfly I've found that my "Blotsprouts" I did this for have become active Blotanists - the two I have not yet mentioned remain inactive. I think there is a message to us Gurus in there! :)

  42. Congrats on Guru status! Thanks for sharing a bit about the newbie blogs :-) Always fun to visit new sites.

  43. @Lorraine Syratt Thank you, Lorraine. And it was my pleasure to introduce you...I hope it brings you lots of visits. Thank you for stopping by.

  44. congratulations Michelle on your Guru status,
    I feel I don't know enough for mentoring so have not been so active on Blotanical as I'm scared of becoming a guru and having to show someone else what things are (especially as I don't know most of them), I just know I'd do it wrong!!
    I never had a mentor and only found out about it by new members and gurus talking about it,
    you will make a great mentor and what a wonderful start you have given your charges by intoducing them on your blog,

  45. You are definitely a `Garden Guru' but it is true you never stop learning in a garden. Each day brings new discoveries to share, and that is what makes it such an exciting journey.

  46. Yay Butterfly! A guru... You must find a mountain to be upon so we can climb up with our questions.

  47. Congratulation!
    Thanks for introducing new blogs!

  48. What a nice gesture to profile your mentees! Congrats on becoming a guru! Cheers!

  49. @Island Threads Thanks, Frances. I am sure I don't know everything, but I will do my best.

  50. @linniew LOL! I would love to find that mountain..what a view! However, if you scale the mountain to find me with all the answers I am afraid your trip will have been wasted. :)

  51. @Malar I am so glad you enjoyed the introduction, Malar.

  52. I am glad you are happy with Blotanical. I am not logging in often but go directly to blogs, i find it so time consuming there. Sometimes i pick and sometimes i don't. But i try to return the comment to those who visit mine, as comments are more important for me than the picks. I sincerely appreciate my regular commenters and visitors.

  53. Congratulations on becoming a Guru! There are many wonderful blogs on Blotanical, and I know I am missing many of them. Thanks for introducing these three new ones. I hope they will be as successful as you!

  54. @Andrea It can be time consuming. My challenge is to find the balance. Comments are always so very nice.

  55. @debsgarden Thank you, Deb. There are so many I feel I must be missing as well. Once in a while I discover one which is always a nice surprise.

  56. Congratulations on your guru status! I am sure you'll be an good teacher. Now, I too need your assistance regarding the 'reply to comment' as asked earlier by Diana of Elephant's Eye. Please, send me the code too and thanks!

  57. Congrats on attaining Guru status, it is well deserved!
    Just visited your BlotSprouts, thanks for introducing them to the community. I know you will be an excellent mentor.

  58. You are definitely a guru. I really appreciate the way you foster a sense of community with so many on blotanical, and at the same time put so much of yourself into each heartfelt comment. Keep rocking with your guru self!

  59. @Autumn Belle Thank you, Autumn Belle. I sent you an email with the code...good luck!

  60. @David Thanks, David. I am sure they appreciated your visit.

  61. Hello. I really enjoyed this post, and I love how you turned the tree damage caused by Irene into something to be admired. The lesson from my garden is to take time and breathe. Be well.

  62. Excellent overview, it pointed me out something I didn’t realize before. I should encourage for your wonderful work. I am hoping the same best work from you in the future as well. Thank you for sharing this information with us.
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'I see trees of green, red roses, too
I see 'em bloom for me and for you
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world'
--What a Wonderful World

Thank you for visiting The Sage Butterfly blog. I enjoy reading your charming reflections very much. Have a great day!