
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A Stroll Through Mary's Garden

A garden is unique to each gardener's personality, reflecting an air of that unexplained something from which the gardener obtains his or her ideas. Even the more natural, untended gardens have an unmatched allure. Touring other gardens is always so interesting to me. Not only do I get ideas for my own garden, but seeing someone's personality reflected in their creative decisions in the garden provides unequaled insight into the gardener as a person. And although I can appreciate almost any garden, it would be ultimately impossible for me to implement every single good idea I find. So, I pause, behold, and enjoy.

My friend, Mary, has a lovely garden. With many trees in her yard, she has numerous shaded planting beds. This offers a challenge that Mary has solved beautifully with shrubs and shade plants. Her garden is lush, full, and colorful. Some of the many alluring features of Mary's garden are:

the many ornamental garden decor items that sit perfectly in various spots around the garden

the way in which she combines plants for the most beautiful presentation

the shady areas where she has thoughtfully placed plants for interest and coverage

the planting beds and plants that only add to the charm of her garden and home

the charming touches and spots scattered here and there

the colorful and textural blooms and glimpses of wildlife

the very neat compost pile

the fig tree that produces delectable and juicy figs

the new addition, a beautiful pond

©Michelle A. Potter

Monday, October 24, 2011

Find Every Corner - GGW Photo Contest

Gardening Gone Wild's October Photo Contest presents the challenge to fill the frame, to make every corner of the frame count. The fall season is such a beautiful season for photographing views of trees and autumnal color. Sunsets loom with chromatic skies, and the lower light of the sun in the forest creates interesting shadows.

The circular motion created by this photo seems to draw one in to the center.

I was lucky enough to capture this sunset recently. The skies are so fascinating later in the evening.

As the leaves turn and color the forest, they create a light all their own.

This was taken as the sun was rising over the lake in late summer.

The sky is almost just as interesting as the foliage.

Although I have noticed this scene of fall foliage for many years, I still find it beautiful.

And I selected this photo to submit to the contest because I like how the sun is part of the frame.

Take a look at the other contest entrees over at Gardening Gone Wild. I am also joining Christina at Creating My Own Garden of the Hesperides for Garden Bloggers Foliage Day.
©Michelle A. Potter

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Love is not love that alters when it alteration finds*

Flowers are at their best when they are at their peak. The blooms are at their most beautiful color, the petals are fresh and supple, and, if there is a fragrance, it is at its most robust. However, there is beauty in the evolution of a bloom. From the tight buds reaching up through the foliage to slowly reveal their color to the first flush of color when they first begin to open.

That first burst of color is refreshing because of the newness of all the petals. The blooms exude color and every corner is fresh and lovely.

Some blooms bring forth a clear white when they first open...

...or even a muted white...

Then, slowly, over time the petals change color.

The petals begin a slow change as that first blush of color begins to transform.

The blush of pink deepens to a true pink.

Some bloom in various colors next to one another.

The evolution continues as the white begins to fade to a very light lime green.

And then darkens to reveal a slight blush on the edge of the petals.

The blush begins to fade to beige.

Even as the blooms fade they offer beauty and interest in an almost dried cluster.

Hydrangeas have been my favorite flower/plant for a couple of years. I am mesmerized by their constant charm in all of their evolving stages. I find myself often stopping whatever I am doing and admiring their elegance, delicacy, and grace. I came to love hydrangeas later than many. It was not until I actually began to grow them in my garden a few years ago that I discovered the depth of their allure. Now, they will forever be a favorite as I watch them offer me one of the most exquisite shows in nature.

I am joining Donna at Garden Walk Garden Talk for Word for Wednesday, Evolve. Wander over and see how others have interpreted the word, evolve.

©Michelle A. Potter
* William Shakespeare