
Friday, October 14, 2011

October's Garden Palette

In my October garden, the trees  and shrubs have begun their autumn dance of transition from jades and olives to golds and tangerines and garnets.

Sometimes there is only a branch that has begun the dance to burnt orange among the lime-colored surroundings.

Before this leaf reaches russet, it offers a deep violet.

The finale has come in toasted umber, and it is time to sleep.

A passing hummingbird came by for her last dance in my garden for the year. Her milky white breast fluffs as she grooms herself on a high branch.

With her painted iridescence, she visited flowers that were fading and beginning to close and turn ruddy.

The hydrangeas continue their metamorphosis into shades of fading blush...

to muddy silver...

to crispy ecru.

A few of the blooms of summer burst through for one last show of boldness in scarlet, amethyst, and fuchsia.

Other blooms have reached a state of slumber, turning honeyed gold with edges of cocoa sand.

Autumn chrysanthemums open with gem-colored claret and flaxen sunshine.

What are some of the colors in your October garden pallette?

I am linking up with Carolyn at This Grandmother's Garden for Autumn Walk Challenge and with Carol at May Dream Gardens for Garden Bloggers Bloom Day.
©Michelle A. Potter


  1. beautiful shades of autumn Michelle, I love the purple leaf never seen that before, Frances

  2. I, too, am amazed at the purple leaf! Gorgeous colors. I have always loved the colors of fall.

  3. What a gougeous serie. I can't help it but I love the photo's of the birds. We don't have them overhere.
    Have a lovely weekend
    gr. Marijke

  4. I am always amazed at your wild life shots, the colours in your garden are exquisite, mine haven't quite reached that stage yet.

  5. Our hummers have left. I am glad to see yours with such pretty captures of them. You have quite a bit of color in the garden. This year, the garden is retiring earlier and we are only starting to get cooler temps. I like your colorful pumpkins in the first photo. I never saw the orange stripped ones before.

  6. Very colorful and what a variety. We are just starting to get fall color with red and sugar maples turning.

  7. Your photos make me want to get outside and enjoy this great season! I love your hummingbird photos!

  8. I love your choice of "color words" in this post! Photos of your fall garden are all so beautiful. I still have a few hummers in my garden but I know they will be gone soon so enjoying them one last time. Your captures of them are superb!

  9. What a beautiful welcome to fall! Your photos are just amazing. While fall is not quite here in my zone, your colorful post has me anticipating its arrival. Happy Bloom Day!

  10. Great transitions to subtle fall colors. Charming hummingbirds bring the garden to life!

  11. @Island Threads Thanks, Frances. That was a surprise to me as well. Most of the other foliage is yellow, brown, or orange, but this one sort of turns violet before it reaches brown.

  12. @HolleyGarden Thanks, Holley. I, too, love the colors, the breezes, and the angle of the sun in fall. Thanks for visiting!

  13. @marijke I love the hummingbirds as well. I saw that one a couple of days ago. The hummingbirds are flying south, and I don't know if I will see another until spring.

  14. @elaine rickett Thanks, Elaine. I savor every moment I can get with the wildlife. They are a treasure.

  15. Thanks, Donna. She is the last one I saw a couple of days ago. That may be the last one. Usually by the 15th, they are gone, but I leave the feeders up for another couple of weeks just in case there are any stragglers. The striped pumpkin is from our local nursery. I am so glad they had some variegated ones...makes it a bit more interesting.

  16. @Carolyn @ Carolyn's Shade Gardens The red and sugar maples are beginning to turn one branch at a time. I am looking forward to when there is color everywhere.

  17. @debsgarden I am trying to get my husband out there with me to enjoy it. Soon, we will be stuck inside for the winter.

  18. @Karin / Southern Meadows Thanks, Karin. I will miss the hummers. That may have been the last one coming through here from the north.

  19. @dorothy Thanks, Dorothy. I am still awaiting that full blast of fall color, but I can see it is on its way from the tinges of color here and there. Thanks for visiting.

  20. @Nell Jean Thanks, Nell Jean. Those hummers do bring the garden to life...I will miss their speedy antics.

  21. aloha,

    love all the fall colors, the leaves are amazing...the russet color is stunning :

  22. What lovely fall colors you have. I see that we have several plants in common. My hummingbirds love the little tubular blossoms of the cypress vine, too.

  23. Beautiful pics, amazing colours of Autumn. Love the little pumpkins. Something poignant about the Hydrangaes fading glory.

  24. Your weather must be cooling off, but your garden colors still look pretty warm and vibrant. What a great way to transition towards the cooler days ahead...

    Happy bloomday!

  25. Oh what beautiful shades - and that's only the foliage I'm talking about! Those mums look so good in your containers and they really do add a bit of a splash of colour at this time of year. I love your gourds surrounding your container in the first photo.

  26. Dear Michelle, You have captured the spirit of autumn perfectly. Your October garden is amazing! How lovely that you still have a hummer visiting your flowers -- ours left already. Happy Bloom Day! P. x

  27. The violet color the leaves turn is beautiful!!!! Thanks for stopping by- and I am glad you did as I have found a new great blog! I have that same statue in our garden. Fantastic hummingbird shots and great photos!

  28. Beautiful St. Francis statuary. It's lovely how you captured fall's transition in your words and photos.

  29. We've been very lucky this fall with some extended sunny weather. We still have a few hydrangea and echinacea blooms hanging on while the trees are starting to turn. I was sorry to see the end of summer but this has been a lovely season thus far.

  30. The colors in your garden really capture the essence of fall and the! Love the hummingbird photos too. Happy fall and Happy GBBD!

  31. Love your colorful collection of mums. They may be an overly common autumn bloomer but I cannot imagine an autumn without them.

  32. I love that you have birds in the garden. Blessings-

  33. i'm still enjoying the hydrangeas, too. all the stages and the color changes are lovely.

  34. Great photos and post! I especially love the photo series of the hydrangeas changing colors! Happy GBBD :)

  35. What a beautiful fall garden! Your pictures are amazing -- I loved the progression of the hydrangea bloom.

  36. I love the change in colours over the fall. It's not my favourite time of year but the hues make up for it. Looks like St. Francis is keeping an eye on the most intense coloured blooms.

  37. What a vibrant display of colors in your garden! Hydrangeas are one of my favorite bloomers; even faded, they look good.

    I think our hummingbirds have finally flown south--just in time, too, because the weather is definitely turning cooler here.

  38. Beautiful post, there is something about those fading leaves and flowers that is just glorious!

  39. We have so much orange and red in the garden right now, mostly due to the maple trees shedding their foliage. Not much in flower though.
    Thanks for visiting my little blog project.

  40. Those are beautiful colour of Autumn!
    Your chrysanthemums are really so colourful!

  41. Wow I love all of the different colors. Is that a blue leaf? Living Northern California we miss out on such great fall foliage.

  42. @noel I love all the colors of fall. It seems as if it is that last show before winter.

  43. @Dorothy/Gardening with Nature They really do like the cypress vine. I haven't seen any hummingbirds in a few days. They might have all migrated by now.

  44. @Bridget I agree, Bridget. There is something poignant about the fading profound for this season.

  45. @James Thanks, Rosie. I also find beauty in the fall colors.

  46. @Pam's English Garden Thanks, Pam. I think that is the last one to visit. I have not seen any hummers since that one.

  47. @kacky Isn't that a nice statue? I enjoy it in the garden very much. Thanks for stopping by.

  48. @GirlSprout That is one of my favorite garden statues. I am glad I found the perfect spot for him.

  49. @Marguerite I agree, Marguerite. We have had some sunny days as well, and that has made for a very pleasant beginning to fall.

  50. @Landscape Design By Lee Thanks, Lee. I was surprised to see that violet leaf as well. I have not found another, perhaps it is a special gift.

  51. @joene I am with you, Joene. I cannot imagine autumn without those bright mums. They add that pop of color that really brings autumn to life.

  52. @Daricia I am always amazed at the beauty of hydrangeas. They always offer a beautiful surprise.

  53. @Rebecca Thanks, Rebecca. I think that is one of my favorite transformations in the garden--the beautiful metamorphosis is amazing.

  54. @Becky Thanks, Becky. I find this transformation so inspiring.

  55. @Adele St. Francis looks out for lots in the garden, but he does like those blooms. :)

  56. @Rose I have not seen any hummers in the last few days. They may have finally passed through here on their way south. I will miss them.

  57. @scottweberpdx I agree, Scott. Fall seems to offer so many glorious sights.

  58. @heather @ what's blooming this week Maple trees are one of my favorite fall trees because of their fall display. Thank you for dropping by.

  59. @Malar Thanks, Malar. It just would not be fall without them.

  60. @Kristi It is violet. I think it is the only one that turned that color because I have not found any others. I would miss the seasons if I lived in a warmer climate, however there is much to be said for your warmer climate.

  61. @Rosie@leavesnbloom Thanks, Rosie. This time of year is so different that spring and summer when we add pumpkins and gourds around the blooms. I like all the differences.

  62. Beautiful flowers and the humingbird.. wow! I don't know if I'm more overwhelmed by the pictures or how wonderful a photographer you are!

    Thanks for visiting me at A Season for All Things. I'm your newest follower and look forward to more great pictures and posts. ~ Ellen

  63. Your garden is gorgeous and your photos stunning! An inspiration for all gardeners. I'm following. Thanks for stopping by Moonbeams and Fireflies.

  64. October is beautiful your way! Nice hummingbird shots!

  65. Your Autumn pics are incredible... please share the name of the tree that offers a deep violet hue before russet...stunning! Don't forget to add your thumbnail to the list the Autumn Walk Challenge.

  66. @Ellen Thanks, Ellen, for your kind words. The hummingbirds are gone. I have not seen one in almost two weeks now. Well, it gives me something to look forward to in spring.

  67. @Ann Thanks, Ann. I will also miss the garden because things are slowly moving in the direction of dormancy....a good time to rest.

  68. @Corner Gardener Sue Thanks, Sue. I think we are reaching our peak right about now. The autumn reds are really beginning to show.

  69. @Carolyn ? Thanks, Carolyn. I have really enjoyed the Autumn Walk series. That leaf is from a Sweet Gum tree. I have gone back to try to find another like that one, but they are all yellow. It may have offered a different color because it was one of the first to change and fall,turning this violet. This has inspired me to watch out for this next autumn.

  70. Są jeszcze pięknie kwitnące kwiaty, ale i są te smutne, przekwitnięte. Widok tych smutnych wynagradza koliber :-). Pozdrawiam


'I see trees of green, red roses, too
I see 'em bloom for me and for you
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world'
--What a Wonderful World

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