
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Repose - Saying Goodbye

Donna at Garden Walk Garden Talk has offered the word, repose, for Word for Wednesday. Repose is such an appropriate word for this time of year when the garden is slowly moving towards its rest period. We, as gardeners, are winding down our weeding, planting, and garden maintenance. Although I like the flurry of activity in the garden during the spring and summer, I welcome the shift to a slower rhythm once autumn arrives.

Although autumn is a time when things slow down, it is also a time for goodbyes. Nests have been abandoned and saved for next year's nestlings.

Hummingbirds make their annual migration south and say goodbye until next spring. With the cooler weather, they even seem to find time for repose.

These delicate, yet robust, creatures bring me such joy in the garden. I will miss their elegant beauty, that puff of their wings as they sprint by my ear, and that high-pitched and quick chirp they make as they dance around the blooms and the feeders.

Even the butterflies say goodbye as they search for sheltered spots for a chrysalis or they migrate south as the Monarch. Because I could not sufficiently support the Monarch when my butterfly milkweed plant was damaged in the hurricane, I was not sure I would even see any this year. How elated I was when one showed up to give me an autumn goodbye kiss.

A falling leaf landed on a branch of leaves to offer another form of repose.

Repose = restfulness, calm, leisure, peace, quiet, restoration...

Another goodbye to the Hope Grows Day meme. Hanni at Sweet Bean Gardening has turned Hope Grows Day into Hope Grew. She has decided to end this meme's run. Thank you, Hanni, for hosting Hope Grows Day. I will miss thinking about my garden hopes month after month. My hope for October is that the serenity and repose of autumn continues throughout the season.

©Michelle A. Potter


  1. Michelle, very beautiful images. What's the stunning white flower? Is it datura? I like the angularity of some of the photos and how you used it to convey repose.

  2. Excellent photos to explain the Autumn and nice ending poem! Happy Autumn!

  3. Some lovely images reflecting repose although I'd ague that the humming bird is doing anything but reposing! but still a lovely image to share. Interesting how gardeners in different parts of the world perceive the gardening seasons. For me in Italy, Autumn is when I must do almost everything, plant, divide, collect seed and sow, mulch whereas July and August it is too hot for me but more prcisely the plants to do anything so that is my moment of repose! Christina

  4. Thankyou for the repose, I needed it after a hectic day gardening - just what the doctor ordered and gorgeous gorgeous photos!

  5. Lovely images and sentiments to capture this time of year. I will especially miss the hummingbirds--they've been a whirlwind of activity all summer. I'm still seeing a few here as well as a few Monarchs. I've warned them that it's probably time to get on their way to their winter homes.

    I'm going to put off my repose for a while--we have beautiful weather, and I'm going to get busy planting bulbs!

  6. @GirlSprout Thank you, GirlSprout. It is moonflower - Ipomoea. Mine has done very well this year...too bad frost will be coming soon. I am saving seeds for next year.

  7. @Malar Thanks, Malar. Autumn has such a beautiful light. Happy Autumn to you as well.

  8. @Christina Thanks, Christina. I will miss those hummingbirds. They always seem to be such great company in the garden. We do a lot of those things in September. And we do have some tasks left, but I can feel the call of autumn to rest.

  9. @alison@thisbloominglife You are welcome, Alison. I love this meme. Looking at all of the repose and relaxation puts me in a mellow mood.

  10. @Rose Thanks, Rose. I saw a couple of hummingbirds yesterday. I keep the feeders out until I don't see them anymore...usually mid-October. We have some tasks yet to be done as well, but I am hoping for repose to come quickly.

  11. Gorgeous photography, Michelle! I've pretty much called it a season myself. We should be getting frost fairly soon; it's supposed to be in the 30s tonight.

    I have a shot almost exactly like yours of the monarch butterfly on a butterfly bush. Aren't they wonderful?? I'm planting many more of them next year! (The butterflies are nice, too, LOL!)

  12. You really brought a new slant to repose, 'goodbye'. It really is appropriate at this time of year to be saying goodbye to all the blooms and critters. Everyone gets a rest it seems, well, except those with perpetual summer weather. Thanks for joining in with all the beautiful images and examples of repose.

  13. I love your reflection of repose and the goodbye to the garden. It is a mixed goodbye but one we know isn't forever. Lovely images of repose and the garden...

  14. I can feel the slower pace in your post. Beautiful autumn images. So glad the monarch came to see you, too! I'm also a little sad that Hope Grows day is no longer. It was a good way to keep me accountable!

  15. I'm looking forward to Autumn's serenity and repose as well. Although ours won't start for a few more weeks, as fall planting season is upon us for our California native plants...but it won't be long before we can relax. Your garden does evoke a wonderful sense of calm and serenity, with the beautiful blooms, birds, and butterflies. I love that your cat seems to understand the Word for Wednesday perfectly too!

  16. Wow what a breathtaking view in your garden. What a goudeous butterfly. We can only see it in the Botanic Gardens. Thanks for sharing.
    Gr. Marijke

  17. Lovely words to say goodbye to a season!
    Beautiful photos. I love the saying on your garden bench as well!

  18. @Sharie Thanks, Sharie. We have had some cool nights, but we have not dipped into the 30's as of yet. I was so happy to see the Monarch. I only saw him on that particular day. I want to plant many more Butterfly Milkweed plants to have more of these lovelies in the garden. And I also love butterfly bush.

  19. I am so glad you created this meme. It has a way of bringing much thoughtfulness to the gardener and the garden.

  20. @Donna Thanks, Donna. It is indeed a mixed goodbye, but a goodbye that is thanksfully not forever.

  21. Oh Sage One,
    There's a lot of repose going on in just one post. The second bird on a branch image was the best forme wher repose is but a fleeting second

  22. @HolleyGarden Thanks, Holley. I will miss Hope Grows because it kept me thinking and planning.

  23. @Curbstone Valley Farm It was so odd how he was just there one day in such a repose-ful pose. He hardly ever sits on the settee. He usually likes the softer spots. My cats are always surprising me...

  24. Gorgeous pics - I'm jealous of your hummingbirds!

  25. @marijke Thanks, Marijke. I don't seem the Monarchs as often as I would like to see them. I am hoping to add more of their host plant, Butterfly Milkweed, next year so I will have lots in the garden.

  26. @Indie Thanks, Indie. I like that bench phrase as well. It makes me relax and feel that all will be well.

  27. @Patrick's Garden They do sit their for a fleeting second, but once in a while they sit there for almost a minute. They are usually guarding a feeder or a flower from the other hummingbirds.

  28. @thesproutlingwrites Thanks, Libby. Is there a time in the year when you have hummingbirds visit?

  29. I love all of your photographs! The hummingbirds are beautiful! And I adore your stone bench!

  30. Długi i cudowny to był spacer , kwiaty, kolibry cudowne i motyle. Była też już jesień ;-(. Dziekuję i pozdrawiam

  31. Just loved the hummingbirds resting. awesome.

  32. What beautiful images.

    Thank you for the encouraging words on my post. Is still a work in process, and a wonderful learning curve.

  33. @Cathy and Steve Thanks, Cathy and Steve. You honed in on my favorites as well.

  34. @Giga Thank you, Giga. I am glad you enjoyed your walk through my garden.

  35. @greggo Aren't they cute? I will miss them until their return next spring.

  36. @Greenearth are very welcome. That is one of the things I like about gardening is the constant learning.

  37. Great essay on repose. Fall is very busy at my nursery so I guess I don't feel very reposeful (?!?) right now.

  38. So lovely! The hummingbird and butterfly captures are really good! I will be so sad to see them go on their way until next year. I really enjoyed all your shots of the blooms and foliage!

  39. Love the sweet hummingbird photos. Precious! Sweet kitty too.

  40. Great "repose" post. I especially enjoyed the photos of the chairs--inviting us to sit and enjoy the view.

  41. @Carolyn @ Carolyn's Shade Gardens Thanks, Carolyn. I can see how this would not be a relaxing time of year for you. Your beautiful plants offer me calm just looking at their beauty through your photos. Maybe it is the shade...

  42. @Karin / Southern Meadows Thank you, Karin. I will be sad to see them go as well. I saw one yesterday, so they are still coming around...probably from the north.

  43. @Carol I enjoyed your hummer photos as well. I never tire of photographing them probably because it is such a challenge.

  44. @PlantPostings I like that the word suggested we add those relaxing spots. I forget that they are part of the garden as well.

  45. Wow, wonderful photography. I am now very much at repose, thank you!

  46. You've captured some lovely images to portray the theme of Repose. I do feel restored from my walk through your gardens. So peaceful.

  47. Lovely photos and thoughts on this time of year as we slide into winter. I hadn't thought of it but summer really does have it's bustle and with the cool temperatures everyone, including myself, seems to be moving at a slower pace.

  48. What beautiful photos! It is especially sad to say good-bye to those hummingbirds - but Autumn is my favorite time of year.

  49. I think the critters and fall colours did a great job in your repose!

  50. @Foxglove Lane Thanks! As I was preparing the post, I, too, became quite relaxed. Whenever I feel tense, I will have to visit GWGT's Repose posts and find repose again.

  51. @Carolyn ♥ Thanks, Carolyn. I am so glad you are restored. It would be nice if we could do that on a daily basis, wouldn't it?

  52. @Marguerite Thanks, Marguerite. The shift to autumn does the same for me. I begin to slow down and relax more. I really enjoy that...

  53. @Ginny Thanks, Ginny. It is sad for me as well. I will miss those lovely creatures. One was by the feeder yesterday, so they are still coming around.

  54. @Autumn Belle I agree, Autumn Belle. Simba, my Siamese cat, offered such a great pose for this post. I never expected him to do that, but he offered and I took him up on it. :)

  55. I so enjoy your photos and the peacefulness they represent. I've not reached the repose point in mygardens ... still much to do ... but I will certainly take time to enjoy the joys remaining.

  56. Beautiful pics and seasonal thoughts.

  57. I can't believe you caught that fabulous photo of the Hummer resting. I haven't seen as many Butterflies this fall either but I had to cut back early because this month is crazy busy. I did get a photo of one but it was so far away it's probably a waste and haven't had time to check it yet. I lik your bench at the end also.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  58. I know i have commented here long ago, now i am surprised i didn't see my comment. I wonder if when I click the backward arrow after seeing that my comments are published, will the comments still get lost. If that is so, then most of my comments in so many blogs will not be seen. Oh that is so bad for me!

  59. @joene Thanks, Joene. I also have not reached that complete realm of repose yet. I hope to very soon, however.

  60. @Bridget Thanks, Bridget. Autumn is my favorite season. I am looking forward to the leaves changing.

  61. @Sunray Gardens The hummers made me work hard for those photos. They are so 'busy' it is hard to get them when they are still. And my husband and I were working in the yard yesterday when a beautiful Monarch butterfly flew over his head. The sun shining through those lovely wings was amazing.

  62. @Andrea Thanks for coming by for a visit. Your comment brought a smile to my face.

  63. Stunning captures. The humming bird shots are awesome.

  64. What a collection of wonderful photos, and words. I loved seeing this glimpse into your garden.

    Thanks for dropping by.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  65. Gorgeous post! I love the pictures and how well you contected your thoghts to them. Autumn isn't restful for me at all! I spend every minute after work and on the weekends on my fall projects, especially this year. I feel like it's a race to beat winter so my plants have time to establish their new root systems before the ground freezes. BTW - I love your couch!!

  66. You did a nice job with Donna's theme. Hummingbirds are hard to catch in a photograph (in my experience anyway). I generally see them flitting about and rarely in repose. They really are quite remarkable birds.

  67. Lovely photos. they are really nice and interesting :)

  68. @Indrani Thanks, Indrani. I am glad I was able to catch the hummingbird in that split second of repose.

  69. @Muddy Boot Dreams Thanks, Jen. Autumn is my favorite time of year.

  70. @Casa Mariposa Thanks! That is a settee in the sunroom. The funny thing is he hardle ever sits or lays on it, but I am glad he decided to on that day. We are somewhat busy, but not as busy as we were in the summer.

  71. @Jennifer@threedogsinagarden Thanks, Jennifer. It was not easy capturing them in a good photo because they are so active.

  72. @Arash Thanks, Arash. And thanks for your very kind comments.

  73. those are lovely photos...I especially liked the snaps on hummingbirds because they are so engaging.

  74. Beautiful post...both photos and thoughts;-) I am enjoying autumn more than I used to, especially after such a hot summer!

  75. @mamanenesgarden Thanks...they are one of my favorites as well. Thanks for visiting.

  76. @Jan@Thanks for today. Thanks, Jan. Your are right...autumn is so welcome after the heat of our summer. I am looking forward to some cooler weather.

  77. Your garden looks so beautiful even in its state of repose. Those little hummer photos are my favourites.

  78. What beautiful photos.This is my favourite time of year, and you captured it beautifully. Though there is not much restful about manic bulb planting, which is what I should be doing right now!


'I see trees of green, red roses, too
I see 'em bloom for me and for you
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world'
--What a Wonderful World

Thank you for visiting The Sage Butterfly blog. I enjoy reading your charming reflections very much. Have a great day!