
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Autumn Amble - W4W Ephemeral

I often take a walk for exercise, fresh air, and clearing the mind. In the basement is a treadmill for those rainy days, but nothing can really compare to walking outside. I take different routes to refresh my senses and to get a glimpse of various nature scenes as they grow and change through the year. It is impossible not to notice all the color at this time of year--the reds and golds and the shadowy light of the low-lying sun.

As I walk through these leaf-filled paths and under the glimmering leaves, I try to savor these images for they are temporary and soon will be gone. Here, autumn has just passed its peak. Now, the leaves will begin to fade to brown and beige and fill the forest floor. Autumn and its artistry will soon be a memory. I am joining Donna at Garden Walk Garden Talk for Word for Wednesday - Ephemeral. Autumn is an ephemeral event.

Ephemeral - brief, episodic, fleeting, transient, impermanent

Although I enjoy living in an area where the seasons cycle through the year, it is always bittersweet to see a season end. Perhaps that is the charm--the seasons leave us wanting more and so we never tire of them.

Another attribute of the seasons is they are never really the same. Each year's autumn may be cooler or warmer than the previous year's autumn-- or more or less colorful. Plants and trees change and grow and therefore are different each autumn than the previous autumn. So, much of what I may see this autumn may be very much altered next autumn.

Much of the time I walk alone so I can completely focus on what I am seeing, smelling, and hearing.

Sometimes it is nice to walk with some like-minded friend who may notice something I did not.

I realize we have weeks to go before the end of autumn, but the array of hues will not be here for long. So, I say goodbye to autumn until next year. Thank you for the exquisite display of colors, textures, and magical sunlight. Thank you for the cool breezes that feel refreshing after a hot summer. I am much obliged to you, Mother Nature, for the opportunity to experience this season of resplendence. Late autumn has its splendor as well, so I say farewell to the undeniable radiance for which autumn is most recognizable.

As I come to the end of my stroll through the pigment of autumn, I stop and relish as much of it as I can...until next year.

©Michelle A. Potter


  1. When I looked up the definition, Autumn leaves was an example. But anyone living in areas such as us is very accustomed to Fall passing by really quickly and the stunning color waning. You captured this time of year so beautifully, peak or not. I love the image of the sun light just blanketing the landscape. It is picture perfect. Thanks for adding the perspective of Fall.

  2. A beautiful post, and captures the ephemeral essence of Autumn beautifully. Your fourth photograph is captivating.

  3. A very poignant post - and beautiful, a lot of the leaves on the trees in the UK haven't even changed colour yet so we still have a lot of the glory yet to come.

  4. You have captured autumn so beautifully as this autumn will never be the same as the next autumn, the autumn before or after. This is the season I was born in but never fully experienced it yet. I'd choose to walk along a pathway covered with leaves over the clean and grey cement and concrete anytime.

  5. As much as I hate the end of summer I do love these colourful autumns in the east coast but I do agree they pass all too quickly. The trees reach such glorious heights of colour and then the leaves blow away sometimes in a single night. Luckily your photographs will last much longer for you to admire.

  6. Beautiful thoughts and photos. Loved taking a walk with you.

  7. My favourite time of year. That last photo is gorgeous, you can almost hear the crunch of the leaves under your feet.

  8. Nice walk, beautiful reflections and awesome photos.
    BTW: I appreciated your visit! Thanks. :)

  9. Lovely capture of the essence of autumn. The brightest scarlets are very fleeting here.

  10. You always say (in much more flowery terms than my practical mind would think) exactly what I'm thinking. Life is ephemeral and we are silly to think that we are in charge. I love your third photo. It reminds me of myself - saggy and colorful!

  11. A charming stroll embracing the joys of fleeting autumn. Thank you for sharing. Happy November :)

  12. For me this golden, mellow autumn will live on in memory ( and photographs) .it's been so mild and such a great time for country walks with P and the dog, Freya.
    Your post capturestheessence of autumn beautifully!

  13. What a beautiful celebration of Autumn, which is one of my favourite seasons - I can never quite decide whether it or Spring win. You have some lovely walks to enjoy, much better than a basement.

  14. Beautiful photos and beautiful words that certainly describe the essence of autumn, thank you for sharing your walk with us. Loved the photo of the lone leaf caught in the grass, perfect.

  15. What lovely scenery. That would make a walk one would look forward to.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  16. Great to take that walk with you!

  17. I am so captivated by fall, it was an easy choice. Thank you for hosting a meme that challenges me to think and to create.

  18. What a wonderful walk with such beautiful fall foliage! It reminds me that I must do that more often...walk to clear the mind and rejuvenate! Thanks for sharing!

  19. @Curbstone Valley Farm Thank you, Clare. Autumn is my favorite time of year with spring a close second, so it is not hard to express any sentiment concerning this season.

  20. @Tina´s PicStory Thanks, Tina. And thanks for stopping your favicon!

  21. @elaine rickett Thanks, Elaine. And I bet that will be glorious indeed!

  22. @Autumn Belle It is true that it will never be exactly the same. I am attempting to savor all the ephemeral details...glad I have the blog to keep it all forever. I also like the leaf-covered paths.

  23. @Marguerite It does seem to pass too quickly. Once summer comes, the changes are very subtle. However, autumns blast of color is so short-lived.

  24. @alison@thisbloominglife Thanks, Alison. I will miss all those leaves covering the paths...seems like a magical entrance to some unknown least for a time.

  25. @dona Thanks, Dona. I always appreciate your visit as well.

  26. @Nell Jean Same here, Nell Jean. I will miss that color.

  27. @Katie Hertfelder Thanks, Katie. I love your comment about the third photo...beautiful!

  28. @joey I can't believe it is already! Thanks for your visit.

  29. @Janet It is such a great time for a walk. Thanks, Janet, for your kind comments.

  30. @Janet/Plantaliscious Autumn is my favorite, but spring runs a close second. I think I also like the slowing down that autumn brings...and the beginning of the holidays as well.

  31. @Pauline Thanks, Pauline. I loved how that lone leaf seemed to rest in the grass. These walks always bring me surprises such as these.

  32. @Sunray Gardens It is a very nice walk. in fact, I think I'll get my little feet out there now a-walkin'.

  33. @jayneonweedstreet I am so glad you enjoyed the walk. Thanks for the visit.

  34. What beautiful pictures! Such a lovely spot you hve to walk in.

  35. What a beautiful post! The sunshine is awesome!!! I like the bridge too. It is because that everything is fleeting that we must appreciate our environment even more. If we miss it now, that's it. It's not the same tomorrow. Btw, I've been searching for the cute caterpillars for days. They are gone! :) Either eaten up by birds or they found perfect hiding places.

  36. What a lovely place you have to enjoy a walk. Fall color is very ephemeral as the colors seem to change each day. Beautiful photos.

  37. @One Thanks, One. Somehow we seem to appreciate the fleeting because it is only here for a short time. Happy autumn!

  38. Every season has its own special beauty. I love the way autumn bridges the gap between loud summer and silent winter. Like a hushing of the earth.

  39. incredible pics... I just want to live in them...

  40. Autumn is the season i always wanted to experience, hopefully I can still do it before this ephemeral existence ends. I love your photos here, my niece and nephew when still young call that rays of the sun as "Dios", this is our local term for God. We always see on TV God having rays emanating from Him, so the kids' association. I've been trying to capture those rays again but failed last weekend. I've done it before serendipitously, but i realized we can't get it often. That to me is Godly.

  41. The great thing about walking alone, alert outside is that it becomes a walking meditation. Wonderful pics

  42. and thank you for exquisite words and pics. Autumn has many faces and you've frozen their ephemeralness in the split seconds of time.

  43. I love your attitude towards fall--it is not the prelude for winter but something to be relished in its own right. I need to focus on that.

  44. I forget how fortunate we are to be able to experience all four seasons. Thank you for a great post.

  45. Thanks for your perspective and beautiful words to describe this amazing season! I found myself thinking, too, that the color is fading fast and I will long for it all winter. I would love to walk along that path in the last photo!

  46. @HolleyGarden You describe it beautifully! I think that is why I love fall so much...that hushing is comforting somehow.

  47. @virginia Thanks, Virginia. It is a very nice place to walk.

  48. @Andrea I, too, see those rays as somehow heavenly. I am not sure if that has been the influence of media, such as tv and movies, but I think a light shining from above easily could be interpreted as such.

  49. @catharine Howard It does...I think that time of my walking meditation is a healing and refreshing time.

  50. @PatioPatch I hope I have captured enough to remember these moments.

  51. @Carolyn @ Carolyn's Shade Gardens Thanks, Carolyn. I used to feel that way about winter, but I have come to relish the calm and quiet and take a rest.

  52. @Karen Chapman Thanks, Karen. Sometimes I wish I could live on a tropical island, but, then, I think I would miss the seasons.

  53. @PlantPostings It goes by much too fast. Over the years, I have tried to consciously remember to take it all in--to see those first changes of the leaves early in the season and to watch closely as the pigments deepen. I find myself easily getting lost in my life and forgetting to notice, so I must remind myself.

  54. You certainly captured the ephemeral beauty of fall...I do love the smell of different and unique...there is nothing like a walk in nature to lift my spritis...joint pain , headaches and all form of ills have been cured or forgotten when I am in nature...

  55. A beautiful post with gorgeous photographs! I love Autumn too ...

  56. Love your perspective and creative eye to 'ephemeral'. All the photos are wonderful, and the leaf in the tall grass stopped me in my tracks.

  57. Such beautiful photos! They truly capture the passing splendour of this time of year.

  58. aloha,

    gorgeous post, love the sunrise photo - its a great capture

  59. @Donna There is nothing like a walk in nature. I, too, find it refreshing and life-enhancing.

  60. @Shyrlene Thanks, Shyrlene. I found that leaf in the grass rather wistfully sweet. I am glad you liked it.

  61. @whisperingearth I am glad I have these memories to hold me until next year.

  62. @noel Thanks, Noel. That photo turned out very nicely.

  63. @Karin / Southern Meadows Thanks, Karin. I get antsy if I have to skip those walks for a few days. Being outside to clear my head is a necessity.

  64. Very nice take on Donna's theme. The seasons are certainly ephemeral and I think that makes us appreciate them more. Walking alone through the fall landscape is a great way to focus in on those seasonal shifts.

  65. I can actually smell autumn in the air! Beautiful post!


'I see trees of green, red roses, too
I see 'em bloom for me and for you
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world'
--What a Wonderful World

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