
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Awards and Such...

I have been nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award by Virginia at Tangent Gardening. Thank you, Virginia, I am honored to receive this award. I am grateful that there are people like you that find value in what I have to offer. My quest through The Sage Butterfly is to explore, discover, and chronicle my garden and nature. If I inspire or give joy in any way, I am honored and feel inspired to continue on my quest for creative reflection.

Over the last year or so, I had seen this award and the nominations on several blogs, but I never really knew the history or much about it. So, I decided to do research.

I found a Versatile Blogger Award site that explains the rules and displays the button for adding to your blog. However, I could not find the history or origin of this award. It seems as if it is something that has been floating around the blogosphere for quite some time. Regardless of its origin, I think it is a great way to reward us bloggers for all our hard work. Thank you, again, Virginia.


  • Write a post thanking the person who nominated you and include a link to their blog.
  • Include the Versatile Blogger Award.
  • Select 15 blogs/bloggers that you have recently discovered or follow regularly and nominate them for the award. Include a link to their site.
  • Inform each of the bloggers that they have been nominated by posting a comment on each of their blogs.
  • Include these rules in the post.
  • In the post, include seven things about yourself.

Versatile Blogger Award Nominees

Blogging in Myrtle Glen - Evelyn gardens in Florida and blogs about gardening and wildlife. One of her features is, Interesting, where she makes short observations about various things.

Gardens Inspired - Debra is a gardener and landscaper who lives in Michigan. One of my favorite series was her Butterfly Gardening A-Z.

Tropical Texana - David gardens in Texas, and his blog reflects a knowledge and humor that is a joy to read.

Tales From My Garden - Rosemary, from Montreal, QC, Canada, often pairs beautiful garden or nature photos with lovely prose or quotes.

Eden's Container - Tracy provides helpful information on container gardening. Examples of her articles include, Theme Containers - Plant a Pizza Garden and How to Make Your Own Garden Gazing Ball.

Foxglove Lane - She provides a respite, if you will, on her blog which captures the soul of nature.

The Potager Page - Malinda gardens in the Pacific Northwest. She captures photos of wildlife and muses about her garden. One of my favorites is The Hen House Diaries.

Signature Gardens - Toni gardens in Texas and covers various subjects that pertain to gardening in the west, such as Blooms Among Foliage and A Colorful Conclusion.

Garden At Nina Place - She writes about her gardening adventures and also has accompanying cooking blogs to use some of those vegetables she grows in her garden.

Aquascape Your Landscape - Jennifer presents numerous ideas and photos on adding ponds and water features to your garden.

Grafixmuse's Garden Spot - She uses her expertise in graphics design to create garden designs. I like how she uses graphic plans to illustrate her garden plans.

Rock-Oak-Deer - Shirley Fox gardens in San Antonio, Texas and shares lots of information about gardening in Texas soil and heat. One of her most recent posts is Propagation Class.

Nadezda's Northern Garden - Nadezda, from St. Petersburg, has some of the most beautiful winter shots of snow.

My Mimico Maison - Donald gardens in Canada. He shares his gardening adventures and travels. Examples of his posts include Dunrobin Castle Gardens and What Happens When You Don't Really Have a Plan?

Wellywoman - She gardens in Great Britain and writes about Sweet Pea Sowing and Carpets of Snowdrops.

Seven Things About Me

1. I enjoy crocheting, knitting, and quilting.
2. I write poetry...and technical publications.
3. I am a U.S. Army veteran and was awarded the Humanitarian Service Medal.
4. I once tried to live a vegetarian lifestyle for about four years but discovered it was not for me.
5. My favorite color is green.
6. One of my favorite movies is Enchanted April.

7. One of my favorite musical performers is Nina Simone.

There are so many great blogs out there, and I just want to say how much I appreciate all of them. You inspire, inform, and educate so many, and I, for one, am extremely grateful. You all deserve much praise and support for your hard work, and whatever support you have sent my way, I deeply appreciate it. Happy blogging!

© copyright 2012 Michelle A. Potter


  1. Well done on receiving the award - it is well deserved. I received it too, from another source, and felt the same way, it makes all the hard work in keeping a blog going, worth while.

    1. Thanks, Elaine. It is so nice to be appreciated. I am glad you received it as deserve it.

  2. Well Sage Butterfly, you are the hardiest of perennials amongst the bloggers and so much deserve this award! I was also very honoured by your Versatile Blogger nomination! You have been a blogger that I have looked up to in so many ways and I think a lot of us have been heartened by your support and commitment. Thank you so much, I hope you continue to go from strength to strength. X

    1. Thank you for your very kind words. I noticed you were nominated twice. That must be a great sign of how much your blog is appreciated. We all work so hard to share and inform on our blogs. It is nice to receive some recognition now and then. When I feel like an annual that is ready to succumb to the cold, I will remember your words to remind me that I am really a hardy perennial!

  3. Congratulations to you on being awarded with the Versatile Blogger Award.

    Thank you so much for honoring me with this award. It means a great deal to me that you, as a kindred spirit and gardener, have enjoyed what I write.

    1. Hi Debra! You deserve the honor, and I look forward to reading more on your blog. Enjoy!

  4. I LOVED Enchanted April, but the book, rather than the film.

    1. I remember trying to find the book when the film came out, and then I must have forgotten all about it. So, I found a copy and ordered it. I look forward to the read.

    2. just trying this out. Won't work on mine!

    3. So far, so good, however I have noticed when I click on comments here...sometimes all the comments are not displayed. I, then, must click comments again. I hope they are working out the kinks...and so you can use it as well.

  5. Congratulations for receiving the VBN and this sure made my day, thank you for nomintating me :-D
    Thanks for posting the rules and a link the VBN site, I better start reading up on it ;-)

    Happy blogging,


    1. You are welcome, Evelyn. You deserved the recognition. I look forward to reading more. I have seen you around the Blotanical community as well. It is so nice to connect with other gardeners.

  6. Well done on your well-deserved award. I received the award too and was delighted. It's always nice when someone likes what you're doing.

    1. It is nice to be appreciated. Congratulations, Bridget, on receiving this honor as well. See you around the blogosphere...

  7. Congrats on your award, you are very deserving. I did not know many of the blogs that you listed and it is nice to discover them in this way.

    1. Thanks, Donna. It is always hard to pick a particular number of blogs for something like this. If I could, it would be much, much longer.

  8. I've often wondered where these awards got their start too. I guess it's just one of the mysteries of the internet. Congratulations on your award!

    1. It must be a mystery, because I could not find out where it began. Some wise old blogger came up with this great way to make us all feel appreciated....great idea!

  9. Dear Michelle, You have written a lovely tribute to bloggers. Congratulations on your award! Enchanted April is one of my favorites too. And thank you for your service, dear friend -- I love to learn new things about other bloggers. P. x

    1. Thanks, Pam. I love to learn more about other bloggers as well. Enchanted April has been one of my favorites since it was released. I am now looking forward to reading the book.

  10. Congratulations on your award. It's well-deserved. I for one greatly enjoy your posts and photos. You've highlighted some great blogs too, some I have never visited before so I'm looking forward to checking them out. Love Nina Simone too ... and I'm very impressed on your Humanitarian Service Medal too. I can imagine you must have done a mighty job!

    1. Thanks, Bernie. We all deserve a pat on the back now and then. Blogging can be hard work, but I really enjoy it.

  11. Congratiulations you deserved it.
    Have a lovely sunday

    1. Thanks, Marijke. I am honored that someone thought enough about my blog to recognize it.

  12. Congratulations! Your blog is not only informative, but also very beautiful. I look forward to checking out your recommendations.

    1. Thanks, Holley, you are very kind. I think my blog has grown into something eclectic...I have not been able to define it myself...but I am glad others find value in it.

  13. Well Sage Butterfly I know a little more of you and well done on the blog award.

    1. Thanks, Catharine. It is always nice to learn more about each other.

  14. Congratulations on your well deserved award! I enjoyed reading about yourself. I have also put an order in for Enchanted April from Netflix, as I have not seen it. Thanks for the trailer!

    1. Thanks, Deb. You will really enjoy Enchanted April. It is a movie that truly takes you away...

  15. Thank you, Sage Butterfly for your kind award of Versatile Blogger to my own blog Wellywoman. It is lovely to know that people enjoy reading what I write.

    P.S I'm posting using the anonymous profile because there are problems between blogger and wordpress.

    1. You are welcome, Wellywoman. I think your blog is very informative and helpful. Hope you are able to fix those blogger/wordpress issues. Enjoy!

  16. Thank you for thinking of me as a Versatile Blogger, I really like the way that feels! I may not know where the award originated but I believe we can see its intention with how graciously and gracefully you extend your friendship and the beauty of your "view of the world" to all of us.

    1. You are very welcome, Rosemary. It would be interesting to know how and where it originated, but, again, it is a great honor for us bloggers. Enjoy!

  17. Congratulations on your nomination! Well deserved, your blog is thoughtful, beautiful, and I look forward to seeing each entry! Thank you for thinking of my blog as well, it's rewarding to get specific feedback about what people like.


'I see trees of green, red roses, too
I see 'em bloom for me and for you
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world'
--What a Wonderful World

Thank you for visiting The Sage Butterfly blog. I enjoy reading your charming reflections very much. Have a great day!