
Thursday, January 19, 2012

A Year of Enchanted Discovery - A Birthday!

The Sage Butterfly is one year old today. I have learned much in this year through trial and error, through experimentation, and through other bloggers. It has been an interesting and fulfilling experience to express my affection for nature by writing about my garden, animals I encounter, and other discoveries or reflections.

I like having my garden documented through the blog and having a way to express even the smallest observations.

When I decided to write a blog last year, my intention was to share all the knowledge I had about environmental concerns, ideas, and acts--to inform and inspire. However, I soon realized that blogging is not like article writing where the goal is to, at least, inform. Blogging is more than that. Blogging is an evolution, a discovery, a shared experience. It can be informative, inspirational, confessional, reflective, creative, and demonstrative. And there are no rules. One's blog can be anything and everything one desires. So, I began fluttering my wings and expanding that initial intention to allow The Sage Butterfly to become whatever it wanted to become. I cannot really say what that is because this blog is still evolving, and I really do not want it to fit narrow definition. Nature, however, will always remain a theme.

The name, The Sage Butterfly, reflects the wisdom and beauty of nature. A butterfly is the chosen symbol but is only one way to represent these attributes. The beauty of a butterfly is contained in its color, its shape, and its very delicate and gentle qualities. Nature, in all her living things and beings, saunters through the seasons with the same beauty and delicacy, never wavering from the intended objective of progressing through the cycles and producing for the planet. The knowledge and wisdom of all nature is boundless and beyond measure. If I, as a mere writer and lover of nature, can reflect only a fraction of the vast grace, elegance, and sagacity of this Great Mother, Earth, then I welcome the gift of doing so.

I look forward to another year of blogging, exploring, and learning. Here is to nature and all the acumen of simplicity in its wake. I am honored to be here observing the gentle and quiet daily movements of the natural world.

And here's to another year of creative discovery and expression. Thank you all for your support!

© copyright 2012 Michelle A. Potter


  1. Congratiulations with your 1 year anniversery of your blog. And what a beautiful blog it is. Your story's and photo's are gorgeous. I look forward to your next post.
    Have a nice day

  2. Well done on reaching a years worth of posts. They are always beautiful and informative and I for one have enjoyed reading your blog. Long may it continue.

  3. Happy Anniversary Sage Butterfly, you have a wonderful way of writing and your photos are superb, I will really look forward to your posts this coming year!

  4. Happy Birthday and congratulations on one year of blogging! I have really enjoyed your posts and gorgeous photographs. I look forward to more!

  5. Michelle I am so excited to celebrate with you on your one year anniversary. I likewise enjoy the photographs and posts...I actually thought you had been blogging longer...your blog has shown us all so much...congrats and looking forward to the continuous evolution of your wonderful blog!!

  6. Happy 1 year anniversary! I love your pictures and writing - I also thought you had been blogging for longer. Here's to another year of Sage thoughts and sharing your interactions with Nature!

  7. Happy year one! I so enjoy your writing style and your gorgeous images. It is always a treat when you have a new post. This post is a great example of your style.

  8. Happy Anniversary :-) I've only been blogging a little over a year now, myself, and it has been a fun experience. Nature is in constant supply of blogging material, right :-) Keep up the good work!

  9. Just one year? It feels like you've been blogging much longer! Congratulations! It was a pleasure to read your articles and admire your photographs.

  10. Happy Birthday Sage Butterfly! I enjoy your posts and pictures and look forward to more years :)

  11. Happy birthday to you! Thanks for the bits of joy to bring to our days. I love the name, it is so very what you convey.

  12. Congrats on your First Blogaversary!!
    It has been wonderful getting to know you and your garden over the past year & I look forward to another year of reading your blog (and enjoying your wonderful photographs!).

  13. One year old and what a joy your special photography has been. Look forward to seeing more wonderful images in the coming year.

  14. Congrats on your blogiversary! I have joyed our postings and look forward to many more. I just love the pictures in this posting. So much color and the butterflies are so pretty.

  15. Happy Blogaversary! I think our blogs evolve, much as we and our gardens evolve. And I've loved learning from everyone, too, this year. Your photography is gorgeous!

  16. Happy BIrthday! I'm looking forward to seeing your blog and in it a new gardening season! Beautiful photos!

  17. Happy Blog-iversary! I love your photography and the snippets of nature's beauties that you capture. I am certain that you will continue to do so for years to come... at least I hope you do. I've been blogging for 4 1/2 years and the journey only getting better with each passing year.

    Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage

  18. I like how you describe blogging as a journey. I think I had similar ideas about blogging at first, a series of 'how to' posts but now I'm happy just to see how my garden is changing. Thanks for allowing us to take part of the journey with you and your garden.

  19. @marijke Thanks, Marijke. I am enjoying the journey.

  20. @elaine rickett Thanks, Elaine. Your kind comments are so inspiring.

  21. @Pauline Pauline, I am truly encouraged. Your support is greatly appreciated.

  22. @Karin / Southern Meadows Thanks, Karin. It is so much fun to be involved in nature in another way...blogging.

  23. @Donna@Gardens Eye View Thank you, Donna. Your encouraging words will keep me going another year.

  24. @Indie Thanks, Indie. As I have discovered, blogging is fulfilling on so many levels.

  25. Thanks, Donna. I am looking forward to the next year and what awaits.

  26. @Toni - Signature Gardens Thanks, Toni. I find it fun, too, and I am looking forward to more fun!

  27. @Tatyana@MySecretGarden Tatyana, your kind words make it easier to keep going. Thanks!

  28. @Bumble Lush Kitchen Garden I think blogging gives us all such a wonderful outlet. I look forward to another year.

  29. @alison@thisbloominglife Thanks, Alison. I think the name has grown into the blog as it has grown.

  30. @Christine @ The Gardening Blog Thanks, Christina. It is a joy to document and share my garden.

  31. @Greenearth I am thrilled to have re-discovered photography after so many years.

  32. @Lona These were some of my favorite photos this year. I like the butterflies, too.

  33. @HolleyGarden I really like the idea of allowing things to evolve. Too often, there are boundaries that do not allow for growth. Blogging breaks that wide open.

  34. @Malinda Me too, Malinda. I am looking forward to this year.

  35. @Cindy Garber Iverson I am glad to hear that it all gets even better. I am having so much fun.

  36. @Marguerite Allowing the journey unfold has been half the fun. Thank you, Marguerite.

  37. Congrats on your one year anniversary of blogging. I've enjoyed reading your reflections and thoughtful posts. Wishing you continued success!

  38. Happy one year of blogging! The photos you've posted are exceptional! So lovely. All the best, Kelli, Northern Ireland.

  39. Happy Anniversary Sage Butterfly!! Yours is a beautiful blog! Many Happy Returns! Blog On! Sorry to have missed so many posts of late. Take care. Carol

  40. Oops, I'm a day late! Just wanted to wish you a happy blogoversary! I remember when I started blogging I never thought I'd have much to say, but it's amazing how fast that first year flew by, as I'm sure yours did too. Looking forward to another year of beauty and creativity on your blog!

  41. Congratulations on your first blogaversary! May we enjoy the next year just as much!

  42. A belated Happy Birthday!! Congrats on its fist year of spreading its wings, cant wait to see what you have instal this year! Cheers Julia xx

  43. Happy 1st year...long may you continue. I always enjoy visiting and of course your lovely pics too.

  44. Happy "1st" Anniversary! "Sage" is the perfect segue into your blog; like many others - I assumed you had been blogging much longer. "Sage Butterfly" brings SO much to the garden blogging community, breath-taking photos are merely the beginning...

  45. @GirlSprout Thank you for your kind wishes. I look forward to another year.

  46. @Carol Thanks, Carol. I hope the next year is as fun as this one.

  47. @Curbstone Valley Farm It went by way too fast, but I am glad to be in my second year.

  48. @Elephant's Eye I am looking forward to learning and growing more.

  49. @Julia@PolkaDotGaloshes Thanks, Julia. I am sure it will be as much fun this year.

  50. @Bridget Thanks, Bridget. I am so glad you enjoy your visits.

  51. @Shyrlene Shyrlene, thank you for your very kind comments. I look forward to discovering and exploring even more this year.

  52. @Why I garden... Thanks, Kelli. It was refreshing to search for foliage vs. blooms.

  53. Michelle, I'm very late to the party, but I didn't want to leave without wishing you a (belated) happy blogaversary. I'm looking forward to a new year of your posts. -Jean

    1. Jean, thanks for coming by to celebrate. I enjoy your musings as well, and I like your feedback.

  54. Congratulations on 1 year! I've just started following your blog (thanks for posting on mine!) and it's a great source of inspiration.

  55. Thanks, Dan. I can't believe it has only been a went by so fast.


'I see trees of green, red roses, too
I see 'em bloom for me and for you
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world'
--What a Wonderful World

Thank you for visiting The Sage Butterfly blog. I enjoy reading your charming reflections very much. Have a great day!