
Sunday, April 22, 2012

Happy Earth Day!

Many are celebrating Earth Day today. Our earth feeds and provides for us each day, and I am very grateful. For more information on Earth Day:

The Earth Day Network

History of Earth Day


Some things you can do:

Broken Clay Pot Redux
All About Companion Planting
Brush Piles are for the Birds

Lucinda from Whispering Earth has compiled a list of noteworthy Earth Day posts.


I am hosting the Earth Day Reading Project blog meme again this year to celebrate Earth Day. The Earth Day Reading Project is a month long blog meme where bloggers are asked to share in a post what books:

- inspired them to live or garden more sustainably - or -
- inspire their love of nature

and then post it to the meme. If you would like to join in, click the image below:


© copyright 2012 Michelle A. Potter


  1. Happy Earth day, Michelle! All the best to our lovely planet!

  2. Happy Eartg Day! Love the idea of reusing broken pots!

    1. Thanks, Cat. I discovered this idea last year, and I love it, too.

  3. Happy Earth Day! I'm getting some much needed rain today and couldn't be happier. I need to get back to garden book reading, so I'l try to link up with your meme.

    1. So are is so good to see it rain. We had very little to no rain for about three weeks. The plants are loving it. I look forward to reading about your selection for The Earth Day Reading Project.

  4. I have been enjoying reading the posts in the meme. I am not much for reading books as I am slightly dyslexic and it makes reading quite a chore. With the advent on iTunes and audio books, I have been in fiction heaven.

    Happy Earth Day, Michelle, I know we have similar looks at the environment and the state of the world today. Silent Spring was a book I read later in college that further directed my caring for the world around us.

    In my post later tonight, I stated this, "In a recent Harris Poll, less people are concerned about the future of our planet, with 34% of those surveyed in 2012 concerned, down 9% from the number concerned in 2009." Can you believe this in our current world situation? I ask if my readers are one of the 34% and by getting to know them over the years, I bet we all are.

    1. Happy Earth Day, Donna. It saddens me when I read these statistics. It seems so many other issues come before the tender care of our earth. However, it also seems that I read something new each day that supports the idea that there are people and companies that are making changes for the benefit of the earth. I hope this continues. Your environmental posts are always helpful and encouraging.

  5. May your Earth Day be lovely and green!

    1. We are having much needed rain...such a blessing for us on Earth Day! I wish you the same sweet sentiment.

  6. Hi Michelle,
    Happy Earth Day to you and your garden.
    I just saw this and the book project you are hosting. What a lovely idea! I am hosting an Earth Day blog party today and wondered if I could add this post to the list so people can find out about your project too?
    All the best,

    1. I think that would be a great idea. Feel free to add this post. And Happy Earth Day to you as well.

  7. Happy Earth Day, Michelle! Thanks for posting the link about companion planting. I try to practice that in my kitchen garden. Lovely photo of the Iris!

  8. Happy earth day!
    Very good articles for us to read!

  9. Michelle, happy Earth Day!. The Northern spring sent a gift for us: my crocuses bloomed in this day.

    1. What a wonderful gift! I will stop by to see them...

  10. Dear Michelle, I love the book project you are doing in celebration! That property in the video is so magical:) I am not going to enter the contest but a book that has always inspired me in the love of nature is The Harvester by Gene Stratton Porter. xxx Leslie

    1. Hi Leslie. I am glad you enjoyed the video of the '100-acre wood.' I believe I have heard of The Harvester, but I will look into it more to refresh my memory. Thank you for adding something to the project.

  11. Belated Happy Earth Day.... and I love the idea of your book project! The last gardening book I purchased (just a few weeks ago) is "Sustainable Rose Gardening" by Mike and Angie Chute. We've been trying hard to be sustainable gardeners and good citizens of Planet Earth since we built our garden. Thanks for promoting the effort!

    1. Happy Earth Day to you as well! As I read your blog, I can see how much of an effort you put into sustainable gardening. And thank you for adding a book on sustainable rose gardening to the project. That sounds very helpful since most roses seem to be susceptible to a host of problems and insects.

  12. Hello my dear Michelle,
    As a small token of my respect and appreciation, there's a little humble surprise for you @

    1. Thank you, Petro. I am honored to be nominated for this award. Thank you very much for thinking of The Sage Butterfly.

  13. Happy (belated) Earth Day to you too! Your book project is wonderful and there's so many books I am discovering through it.

  14. Charming blue flower! Belated Earth day! Thanks a lot for posting.


'I see trees of green, red roses, too
I see 'em bloom for me and for you
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world'
--What a Wonderful World

Thank you for visiting The Sage Butterfly blog. I enjoy reading your charming reflections very much. Have a great day!