
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Lists for Gardeners - Garden Book Review

One of the books I do not think I could live without as an avid gardener is The New York/Mid-Atlantic Book of Lists by Bonnie Lee Appleton and Lois Trigg Chaplin. I was introduced to this book in my Master Gardener's class several years ago, and it has become a gem in my gardening library.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Bejeweled - GBBD 9/12

Calibrachoa 'Can-can'

In September, there are jewels that dazzle in the garden--glimmering and gleaming with color.

I am joining Carol of May Dreams Gardens for Garden Bloggers Bloom Day. Check out what other garden bloggers have blooming from all over the world.

Citrine petals begin their journey outward to breathe a hello.


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Seasonally Thinking

In a few weeks, autumn will officially arrive, and I cannot wait. Summer has had its ups and downs, and I am more than ready to enjoy the morning breezes and the rusty and golden hues.

Donna from Gardens Eye View hosts Seasonal Celebrations this month for autumn. And I have listed a few of the treasures of my autumn.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

My Garden Notebook - September 2012

Two Tiger Swallowtail Butterflies on Buddleia 'Black Knight'

I accomplished quite a lot and even had some time to take a break and enjoy the company of visiting friends during my one month blogcation. With a break now and then, I find I return more refreshed and more creative. I am anxious to resume blogging and sharing my garden.