
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Six Secrets in my Garden

Jackmanii Clematis

There are six secrets in my garden that lurk behind the leaves of shrubs and trees, peek out at particular moments, or silently whisper to me at unexpected moments. They are hidden all over the garden and only are visible to gardeners who listen and watch very closely.

I am joining Carol of May Dreams Gardens for Garden Bloggers Bloom Day. Since we are nearing the end of the year, I am highlighting many of the wonders from the entire year in this GBBD post.

Hiding Places

Lurking in secret spots are those that wish to stay secure and keep a low profile. Sometimes it is unexpected and the concealment is not intentional.

Bumble Bee in Squash Blossom

Thursday, November 1, 2012

My Garden Notebook - November 2012


Gardening Zone: 7a
August High Temperature: 82 degrees F
August Low Temperature: 39 degrees F
Precipitation: 9.08 inches

We had a litte rain in October, but Superstorm Sandy dropped about six inches of rain in just a few days. We were very lucky to have had minimal damage from the storm. I hope all of you are safe and did not suffer much damage. My thoughts are with those that have  lost so much because of this storm.