
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Late Summer Serendipity - WW

Visit Wordless Wednesday for more photos. I am also joining Donna at Garden Walk Garden Talk for Word for Wednesday - Serendipity.
©Michelle A. Potter


  1. Dear SB, I love what you get serendipitiously. In this case the complicated arrangement of colours and texture works wonderfully. And i enjoyed the post below on lessons learned from mother nature. I agree and can relate to every word in it. cheers, CM

  2. @catmint During Hurricane Irene and the rain and winds, this did not lose a blossom. It stood strong...very serendipitous! Thank you for your kind words...very nice of you.

  3. Another great example. It is amazing what one word can conjure up. And what a few pictures can say out that word. We did not get any of Irene, yet it was predicted to his us with strong rains and wind. That really is a serendipitous event. Where it did hit, not to affect garden plants really is fortunate occurrence. Thank you much for joining.

  4. Sherry I love the photos and colors of the cardinal vine, are they a challenge to care for? Some where I read that they can get out of hand have you had any problems with them?

  5. I have never seen this vine before. Gorgeous!

  6. What tough plants--surviving hurricane force winds! Love the bright red color.

  7. A great word for today. I am glad you did not get any of Irene. I like your blog meme.

  8. @Vetsy Thanks, Vetsy. They are really very easy to care for. Once it gets going it does extend its climbers all over, but I just redirect them back to the arbor. In my area, it is an annual, so it can't really get too out of hand. I suppose you could also clip it back a bit if it was a problem.

  9. it reminded me of christmas lights, how pretty, Frances

  10. Beautiful!
    I like the 'word' meme too, and hope to participate next time.
    Happy WW!

  11. @Sheila It is called by many names...hummingbird vine, cypress vine, cardinal vine, star glory vine...Ipomoea quamoclit. The hummingbirds and bees love it. Thanks for your visit.

  12. @Bumble Lush I guess it is a pretty tough climber. I am glad I still have it to admire. The bright green and bright red are such a lovely contrast.

  13. @Lola Thanks...I am really glad it is still blooming.

  14. @Island Threads Me, too! It has those greens and reds of Christmas.

  15. @Aerie-el Thanks, Aerie-el. I like the 'word' meme as well. Happy WW!

  16. I can see why hummingbirds would love it! Makes all the plastic feeders look pallid by comparison.

  17. SB, last weekend, I found these plants growing in some unkempt plot of land. I stood and admired the delicate flowers and its lovely color. Thanks for posting the pics!

  18. That brilliant red and green put me in a Christmas mood ! Now how strange is that ? ;-)

  19. @Margaret Almon Doesn't it? I still hang out some feeders, but they spend a lot of time over by the Cypress vine.

  20. @Asha Ram Isn't that ironic? I guess it is not an annual in your area. Here when it gets cold, it dies.

  21. @CanadianGardenJoy Not strange at has the same effect on me... :)

  22. I think the middle photograph would make for a charming holiday card, almost reminiscent of holiday greens and pointsettias.

  23. @Curbstone Valley Farm The colors also remind me of the holidays. I have always liked that color combination, and it is nice to have it in the garden.

  24. What beautiful pictures! Gorgeous red! Loved your reflection of Autumn being the time to save the promises of Spring! Love that! Thanks for sharing! Happy Gardening! Mindy

  25. The red is so fabulous. I love seeing all the interpretations of "serendipity."

  26. @The Ebullient Gardener Thanks, Mindy. The red is so bright it is hard to capture in the photo. Happy gardening!

  27. @GirlSprout Me too! Some of the stories, like yours, are so inspiring. I love happy accidents.

  28. That red of the cypress vine is SO vivid and pretty. Helps to pep me up this morning-and I sure need it.

  29. What a beautiful colour. Thet must light up the garden!

  30. Stunning photos, that red is quite rare. Something about the whole arrangement reminds me of a peacock strutting, it says "look at me show off the beauty and depth of my being.

  31. I thought of the holidays, too, when I first opened this page. So lovely! Serendipity is definitely a good word for the arrangement of blooms/foliage.

  32. Those are beautiful flowering plant! I have seen them during my childhood time but not now....

  33. Beautiful. I grew this one year and spent the next few years trying to remove it from all over my yard. I'm still removing it from the passion flower vines in the patio containers after almost 10 years :( It is a lovely plant where the seeds don't take over. Your photos are lovely.

  34. @tina Tina, I am very glad the Cypress Vine perked you up. It has that effect on me as well.

  35. @easygardener I only have it in this one spot, however I am considering adding in several more spots next year.

  36. @PlantPostings That red and green do prepare me for the holidays. I like GWGT's Word for Wednesday meme...very nice.

  37. @Clipped Wings Oh...that sounds challenging. This is the first time I am growing it, so we'll see how it goes next year.

  38. The pretty flowers make me starry starry eyed!

  39. Terrific garden duet, with the whole exceeding the sum of the parts-- the blooms stand out so VERY much like lights!

  40. I'm a big fan of the cardinal vine. I saw a packet of three cypress vines including pink and white. I'm sure it would be beautiful.

  41. @Autumn Belle LOL! They do have that effect...thanks for visiting!

  42. @Christine @ the Gardening Blog Thanks, Christine. I am going to miss them as we move into cooler weather.

  43. @linniew They do, don't they? Every day as I pass by them, they always catch my attention.

  44. @Patrick's Garden Oh...that sounds so beautiful! These were seeds from my mother's plant, but I may look into getting some other colors.

  45. Gorgeous! I've always wanted to grow this beauty, but have never given it a shot.

  46. I love the way you put a Word for Wednesday together with a Wordless Wednesday and captured it so beautifully! And that cardinal vine is amazing. I bought seeds this spring and am embarrassed to admit that I never planted them.


'I see trees of green, red roses, too
I see 'em bloom for me and for you
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world'
--What a Wonderful World

Thank you for visiting The Sage Butterfly blog. I enjoy reading your charming reflections very much. Have a great day!