
Sunday, September 11, 2011

September Song

September's song is a lead in to autumn. The muted browns, golds, and siennas begin to color over the bright reds, blues, and pinks.

Leaves begin to paint their fall colors and slowly fall to decorate the earth floor.

Seedheads form to fatefully protect the future of blossoms in the garden.

Colorful berries form to hold seeds for the hope of renewal.

Some blooms burst forth for a final late summer display.

Hummingbirds fill up on nectar before their long migration south.

Butterflies take their time feeding and fluttering before cold weather comes.

And the Limelight hydrangeas offer a September surprise as their once white, now green, petals bring a tinge of pink.

What September song is in your garden?

I will be linking up with May Dreams Gardens for Garden Bloggers Bloom Day. Visit her blog to see the September garden of other garden bloggers.
©Michelle A. Potter


  1. I still find it bizarre that as we are full of the promises of the season, you are starting to slow down. My September promise is that I finally learnt to drive a bobcat! And it's part of my gardening journey.

  2. Beautiful reflections! It is lovely to see the slow change into fall. Love all the shots of your butterflies and hummer too!

  3. I missed your post because Blotanical dropped your post from my list. It is back now. Sorry about that, the post was one not to miss either. I clicked to be a friend, but don't think it accepted by open ID. So not to miss, the same with Subscribe, I guess everyone needs a Google or Yahoo account that they can remember. I really must make a point to remember one of them.

  4. Beautiful photos and reflections - I love the many different butterfly shots and especially the photo of the hummingbird.

  5. Dear Butterfly, This a lovely post full of the beauty of the changing season. September song in my garden is of the many monarchs filling up on nectar from the zinnias and marigolds before they make the long journey south. P. x

  6. All I can say is wow, such amazing photographs and beauty. Butterflies, ya can't beat them......gorgeous.

  7. What a beautiful tribute to September! You captured its essence perfectly. Thanks!

  8. It's funny - as the world slows down toward winter, I frantically begin work (after sitting out the extreme summer temperatures). Both are toward the same goal, though: to ready the garden for winter. Pretty photos. The last is my favorite.

  9. What a peaceful post. :o) After so much rain, my garden seems happy and renewed. Sept/Oct are times for big changes since this is when I start my transplanting. Wonderful butterfly pictures! My asters and mums still haven't bloomed and I enjoy knowing there is still more beauty to come.

  10. A great post. We do seem to be entering into another season, the subtle changes are so evident.

  11. To everything, turns... Happy full moon!

  12. It's spring here - who's back to front depends on where you're starting from! wonderful butterflies, and i love that the limelight hydrangeas, never heard of them before.

  13. What a beautiful song for September! I do love September and the coming of fall. There aren't so many blooms in my garden right now, but as you say, there is so much other beauty to enjoy in September's garden. Love all your butterflies!

  14. @alison@thisbloominglife Oh...that must be fun! I wish we could use a bobcat, but on our backyard slope it might be a bit dangerous. Enjoy September!

  15. @Karin / Southern Meadows Thanks, Karin. I think falls' slowing down is one of the most beautiful pleasures in life. It has a gentleness to it.

  16. These days it is so hard to remember all the accounts one has. I, too, forget from time to time.

  17. @Ginny The hummer was a stunner. I am glad I was able to get a close-up shot. Thanks for stopping by.

  18. @Pam's English Garden Thanks, Pam. I have not seen a monarch this season, and my milkweed plant was damaged in the storm. I hope some of yours come by this way on their journey. I would love to savor their beauty.

  19. @Foxglove Lane I often get so excited when I see butterflies in the garden. I realize it happens every day, but I still love to watch them.

  20. @nittygrittydirtman Thanks, nittygrittydirtman. September deserves to be given a tribute.

  21. @HolleyGarden We have lots to do as well, because it is too hot to get some of the major garden chores done in the heat of summer. Soon, I hope we can slow down as well.

  22. @Casa Mariposa Thanks, Casa. A few of my mums are blooming, but most of them are still in bud form. It will be nice to see them offer their fall display.

  23. @Lola I know it is not officially autumn yet, but things are already beginning to change in the garden. I like paying attention to all the nuances, because in some past years I missed a lot of it due to work.

  24. @catmint I just discovered the Limelight hydrangea last year, and I love it. It blooms mid-summer here and lasts into fall, slowly fading from a bright white to a pale green with pink edges. I am hoping to add some more to the garden because they are so lovely. And the cut bloom heads dry perfectly.

  25. @Rose Thanks, Rose. You are so kind...happy September!

  26. And we are thinking of Winter, bad weather and hibernation. Making sure we have lots of provisions, fuel for the stoves and food for our animals.

  27. Wonderful butterflies! That's the best thing about Fall, one last burst of life before Winter sets in.

  28. Beautiful post! September is such a great time of year to get into the garden and enjoy it, as it is finally getting cool enough here to do so. I love the pics of the butterflies!

  29. There are many beautiful visitors in your garden. I love the fall. It is such a wonderful time in the garden.

  30. Your photos are wonderful, as always, and your butterfly photos are a delight. You must so enjoy watching the butterflies flit about.

  31. Beautiful photos! So many butterflies... It was raining here in PA today, so I didn't see any butterflies fluttering by.... though I do have photos of some from a couple weeks ago!

  32. I love all the colour in your fall garden and the butterfly photographs are beautiful.
    Happy GBBD :)

  33. Such beautiful views of the changing fall garden! The photos of the hummingbird and buterflies are amazing. Thank you for sharing and Happy GBBD!

  34. @Bridget I find it so fascinating to share gardens and gardening experiences with gardeners from so many different areas of the country and the world. It is also inspiring...thanks for stopping by.

  35. @Katie Hertfelder I agree, Katie. It is just enough to last me until spring.

  36. @greggo Thanks, Greggo. I am so glad you liked it as much as I enjoyed sharing it.

  37. @Indie Thanks, Indie. We spend most of our spring and fall doing those major gardening projects because it is cooler. I hope we can find time to sit and appreciate the fall garden before it gets too cold.

  38. @Jennifer@threedogsinagarden I, too love fall, Jennifer. It is my favorite time of year.

  39. @joene I do, Joene. To catch sight of them is such a treat.

  40. @shari Thanks, Shari. Don't you just love photographing them? They always offer such beauty and surprises.

  41. @Christine @ the Gardening Blog Thanks, Christine. I am enjoying watching your spring unfold as I watch our coming fall arrive much fun!

  42. @Landscape Design By Lee Thanks, Lee. I enjoy the visiting wildlife just as much as the blooms.

  43. Great post...that pic of the Hummer is adorable!

  44. Your photos are very artful... a most enjoyable visit... thanks for sharing! larry

  45. Oh, your last pic with the Luv it. Happy GBBD! Cheers, Jenni

  46. I enjoyed all of your photos, especially the colorful butterflies. Your blog is so appropriately named!

  47. Your photos always make me envious, i wonder why i cannot get the same composition, vividness and total beauty! But i am trying, trying, trying, hahaha!

  48. Your photographs are simply stunning.... a tribute to patience as much as technique! Gosh, I wish I could attract some hummers here!

  49. @scottweberpdx Thanks, Scott. Isn't he cute? I was lucky to get that photo of him.

  50. @Larry Thanks, Larry. Blogging has brought me back to photography, and I am still re-learning old lessons and learning new ones.

  51. @Jenni @ RainyDayGardener Thanks, Jenni. I love the Limelight hydrangeas at this time of year.

  52. @dorothy Thanks, Dorothy. More and more, I think so as well.

  53. @Andrea You are so kind, Andrea. I am still experimenting and learning as you seem to be.

  54. @Asha Ram Thanks, Asha. Late summer presents lots of photo opportunities.

  55. @Cathy and Steve Thanks, Cathy and Steve. I try to catch those special moments in the garden that I want to remember.

  56. What a beautiful butterfly's. I love them. They are just little angels.
    This year we did not have any summer. The fall started in july this year. So I did not see a lot of them. The species you show don't live overhere.
    Gr. Marijke

  57. wow...such nice photos on the butterfly...I love the last reminds me of my hydrangeas in the 1990's


'I see trees of green, red roses, too
I see 'em bloom for me and for you
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world'
--What a Wonderful World

Thank you for visiting The Sage Butterfly blog. I enjoy reading your charming reflections very much. Have a great day!