
Monday, November 14, 2011


In nature, there is a time for everything.

There is a time to sprout and grow.

There is a time to flourish and flow.

There is a time to slow down.

And there is a time to rest.

There is also a time of reflection...a time to reflect on all for which I am grateful.  Cat at The Whimsical Gardener has created the Thanksgiving 30-day Challenge.


mornings in the garden

beauty of blooms

surprises that make me smile

special visits

magical sights

nature walks

quiet moments


Like nature, I am in the midst of slowing down. Although there are a few chores left to do in the garden, there soon will be nothing left to do in the garden until spring. With the chores in the garden decreasing,  the joys and festivities of the holidays will keep me very busy with family visits, cooking, baking, short holiday trips, and celebrating this special time of year. I hope to find some time to rest as well. And so with all of that, I will be taking a blog-cation until January.

Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop.

Blogging has offered a very interesting time of discovery and exploration. I have met so many wonderful bloggers and gardeners. And I will miss the interaction that comes with blogging on a regular basis during these weeks until the new year.

To all the readers of The Sage Butterfly, I wish you pleasant holiday feasts and happy moments. I hope during these fun and hectic times of celebration, you will also find some time to rest.

See you in the new year of 2012!
©Michelle A. Potter


  1. I will look forward to reading your posts again in the New Year. Meanwhile I know I can speak on behalf of all your readers when I say we are thankful for YOU.

    happy Thanksgiving.

  2. I shall miss reading your wonderful posts and pictures - adieu till next year.

  3. What a great idea--have fun and "see" you in January.

  4. See you in January. Enjoy the holidays and till then....

  5. Have a wonderful break and looking forward to seeing you back in January.

  6. Enjoy your rest! Although things here will slow somewhat, winter can still be a busy time for us, preparing the gardens for spring, and cleaning up around the gardens. Maybe I should have moved somewhere colder, to guarantee that we'd have a little down time ;) Have a wonderful holiday season. Looking forward to your return.

  7. Love those both reflective and exciting photographs. Magic. I shall miss you, your colour and your kindness. Thank you for all your support, I look forward to your return, but have a wonderful break:~)

  8. Have a wonderful and relaxing break with your family! Looking forward to reading your blog next year!

  9. Beautiful photos to finish the year, will miss your posts and comments.
    Have a wonderful break with your family, I look forward to your return in the New Year.

  10. I hope very soon, I wish you well

    Un Abrazo

  11. Have a lovely break - and how wise of you to recognise that this is what you need. I could do with learning from your example...

  12. Really beautiful photos. Hope your holidays are wonderful. See you next year.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  13. Beautiful photos and thoughts. Enjoy your break!

  14. What a wonderful post and lovely reflections! I hope you have a wonderful holiday & happy festive season with your family. See you in the New Year! xxx

  15. I hope your blogcation is a wonderful one. Enjoy your family and the holidays.

  16. I'll miss you! Have fun! See ya in January. :o)

  17. Have a great holiday! Looking forward for your new year post!
    Merry Christmas!

  18. I hope you will make a very small exception and post just one or two ice and snow photos next month!

  19. Your reflections of gratitude were a wonderful addition to the challenge. I admire you taking a break to soak in all this upcoming season has to offer...enjoy your time. Look forward to seeing what inspiration and revelations you discover while away. "Talk" to you soon!

  20. Enjoy the holidays and your blog-cation! I'm sure the rest will be inspiring. I'll miss your posts and look forward to the new year!

  21. Beautiful photos and prose as always! Your post reminds us that there is much to be thankful for if we simply take the time to stop and look around us.

    Enjoy your blog-cation and have a wonderful holiday season! I look forward to your return in January.

  22. You should make a calendar of these illuminating images of quiet. See you in 2012 :)

  23. Autumn leaves remind me the idea that this year has passed much faster than I thought .
    It's a good time to reflect on my behaviors and conducts and create improvement for the next year.

  24. Enjoy your blogcation! One of these days, I need to do that, too. But for now the blog is my therapy. Beautiful, beautiful images! Happy Thanksgiving, and enjoy the holidays!

  25. What a great set of photos. Gotta love turtle visitors, and self sowing nasturiums are pretty great too!

  26. nice little blog. i look forward to reading more in the new year

  27. Gorgeous Christmas cactus! Hope you continue to bring gratitude to each day during the holiday season. I appreciated your photos and reflections.

  28. Have a great break, whilst you're off I'll catch up with many of my favourite posts of yours x

  29. Wow! So many deep colorful leaves in that one photo. Beautiful. Your cats are sweet looking too.

    I will be back to visit you in January. Have a wonderful blog-cation.

  30. Michelle, have a lovely break and enjoy your time with family and friends, some beautiful reflections in this post, will miss you and look forward to your reflections in 2012, Frances x

  31. A time to reap, a time to sow. Beautiful photos and reminder of the little things for which to be thankful. Enjoy the holiday.

  32. Enjoy your quiet time. We are well and truly into busy here with the bounty of spring turning to summer. I can't keep picking flowers quickly enough. Happy holidays!

  33. Enjoy your blog-cation and Happy thanksgiving!

  34. A time for rest and renewal.....

  35. Have a rejuvenating blog-cation. I enjoyed your thankful reflections. Best wishes for a joyous December!

  36. Happy holidays! I'm new in blogging but I'll surely miss your blog until January.

  37. Lovely photos! Happy Christmas and New Year

  38. Dear Michelle, This is a beautiful posting! I hope you are having a lovely break from blogging. Looking forward to seeing you in 2012. Happy New Year! P. x


'I see trees of green, red roses, too
I see 'em bloom for me and for you
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world'
--What a Wonderful World

Thank you for visiting The Sage Butterfly blog. I enjoy reading your charming reflections very much. Have a great day!