
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year Promise

Happy New Year! The Sage Butterfly has a new look. When I returned from my blog-cation, I noticed that my blog had suffered from some sort of technical misalignment. The blog appeared fine if viewed on Google Chrome, but the misalignment appeared if viewed in IE or Firefox. I looked at the HTML code but could not identify any problem. Reading some of the Blogger forums, I found that others were having a similar problem.

Months ago, I had planned to unveil a new look to The Sage Butterfly, perhaps at the one year blog birthday this year, but having no other options to correct the problem I decided to go ahead and change to the new look. I may be tweaking it here and there for a while until I settle into a new look for 2012. Enjoy!

A new year always holds such promise. We are allowed to start over in every or any area of our lives. I like new starts. I think I like them because they offer a wiped canvas to start fresh, to begin new projects, to improve on others, and to see the near future as an attainable horizon.

I am a list maker, and this is the time when I make lots of lists. Pondering the home improvement projects, the garden projects, and the personal projects is something I feel compelled to do at this time of year. The lists help me keep everything in one place instead of scattered around in my brain.

A personal goal for me in the new year is to commit to maintaining good health. This holiday season, I suffered from a severe case of bronchitis. Rest was something I had not been doing much of in 2011, and this forced me to take things a bit slowly. It was one of those cases where the illness just never seemed to go away. It dragged on for quite a while.

I am recovered and hopeful for the promise of the new year. The bloom and sparkle of a new year brings bright prospect and optimism. Words that come to mind for me as I plan for 2012 are:


What words come to mind for you in 2012?
© copyright 2012 Michelle A. Potter


  1. Eventhough it's a little bit late a want to wish you a brilliant 2012. Your blog is beautiful.
    gr. Marijke

  2. So glad you're back!!

    Words? Maybe tenacity as I'm determined to find ways to continue to enjoy gardening despite my body telling me otherwise!

    Also acceptance - allowing myself to be excited and proud of what we have achieved so far and stop only seeing what still needs to be done.

  3. I like the new look blog and I LOVE the photos on this post! Glad to hear you are feeling better.

    I'd have to givce those words some thought ... but "Live, Love, Laugh" springs to mind straight away. Especially "Laugh". :)

  4. Hope you continue to heal. I make lists too, and I want to look at the items that are completed, not the ones yet to be tackled. Stay strong. c

  5. I was wondering about you just yesterday---welcome back. I love the new look, I am partial to black backgrounds for photos. I make lists too and they really help to keep me from feeling overwhelmed. If it's on the list at least it is partway to getting done not to mention the joy of crossing it off. For 2012, carpe diem, live in the present. Happy New Year.

  6. So glad to hear you are feeling better. I had my own health challenges that caused me to slow down and do more reflection. Interesting experience, isn't it?

    By the way, the look of your new blog is great!

    Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage

  7. @marijke Happy new year to you as well! And happy gardening!

  8. @Karen Chapman Very wise words! I sense that your determination will push through. Happy gardening and happy new year!

  9. @Christine @ The Gardening Blog Thanks, Christine. I have a plaque on my wall that says, 'Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much.' Is there any other way to live? Happy new year!

  10. @Carolyn @ Carolyn's Shade Gardens Thanks for your kind words. I hope your mantra for 2012 lives with us all. Happy new year!

  11. @Cindy Garber Iverson It is an interesting experience, Cindy. I try to look at those experiences as learning opportunities, and I hope that 2012 will be a more restful year. Happy new year!

  12. What very beautiful photos. I do love your new format.

  13. Welcome back! Your new look is very stylish. Let's see, my words this year are hope, trust, and wonder.

  14. @Greenearth Thanks! This format allows me to use larger photos which I like. Happy new year!

  15. @Katie Hertfelder Katie, I like the words that come to mind for you for 2012. Happy new year!

  16. The new look is great. I'm glad to hear you're recovering after your illness and I'd like to add my wishes for a wonderful New Year.

  17. I am so glad to see you back! I'm very happy that your well! Happy New Year! Slow and steady wins the race!Isn't that the saying, Yes? Thanks for the visit! It was a wonderful surprise! I haven't been keeping up like I should but, starting this weekend, I will be back at it! Please, take it easy and stay well!! ;)

  18. @virginia Thanks for your kind wishes. I am looking forward to 2012. Happy new year!

  19. Glad you're recovered from your illness. Bronchitis does not sound found. I like the new blog look, and now you can cross that off the list! I think for 2012 my words are Improve and Positivity. I hope to carry the spirit of new beginnings throughout the year. Best wishes in the New Year!

  20. Liking the new look and the words...I understand the health issue...recovering myself from quite a few bouts of stomach issues and then a cold/cough that got really is so important...glad to hear you are resting...Happy New Year Michelle.

  21. Happy 2012! Love the new blog layout and I adore that bluebird photo.. very nice! I like passion as a goal and the other words that came to mind were productivity and peace... the year of the 3 Ps!

  22. Your blog looks great! And beautiful photos to start the new year; I especially like the bluebird. I rarely get enough rest, and like you, I need to make that a higher priority in 2012. Best wishes for good health and happiness!

  23. Glad you're feeling better. Bronchitis is awful to deal with. What is that first photo? Looks like a conifer but yet a little tiny flower. The bird photo is beautiful!
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  24. Your blog looks so beautiful! Great job and great photos, as usual.
    Buon 2012, all the best for you!

  25. The new look is beautiful. Many new changes and a good approach to enter the new year, I wish you good health and much joy - rest too! You have very pretty images in this post, with a touch of blue, too.

  26. Great new look and beautiful captures!
    Happy New Year!

  27. Dear Michelle, I love your new look, it is beautiful, and perfectly shows off your amazing photographs! I wish you a happy and HEALTHY 2012! P. x

  28. VERY nice design, and I love the header photo! Sorry to hear you were sick over the holidays, but I'm glad you're feeling better. All the best for you and your family this year!

  29. Glad you are back - I have missed your posts and comments on my blog. I like your new set up and as usual the lovely photos. My four words for the year are

  30. Your blog looks fine to me. :)
    Great pictures, the bird is too cute.
    Have a great year ahead.

  31. @Bumble Lush Kitchen Garden Your new year's spirit is so inspiring. May it be with you throughout the year.

  32. @Donna@Gardens Eye View Thanks, Donna. I wonder if the strange seesaw in temperatures has made us more vulnerable to these viruses. Oh well, I hope to be more resilient in 2012. Best wishes for good health and good gifts in 2012.

  33. @Julie Your three P's are very nice thoughts as we move forward in 2012. I hope to have them in my year as well.

  34. @debsgarden I captured the bluebird when he wasn't looking. :) Good health, happiness, and hope for you in 2012.

  35. @Sunray Gardens Hi Cher...that is a bloom on a weeping Norway spruce. I had never noticed it before because it is so small. Happy new year!

  36. @dona Thanks, Dona. I am looking forward to 2012.

  37. Thanks, Donna. I did not intend to focus on blue, but it seems that is how it worked out. Happy new year!

  38. @Malar Thanks, malar. Have a very happy new year!

  39. @Pam's English Garden Thanks, Pam. Best wishes for a healthy and happy 2012!

  40. @PlantPostings It is not fun to be sick during the holidays, but so be it. I try to learn from it, and I hope to balance things a bit better.

  41. @elaine rickett Elaine, I like your words for the new year. In particular, I am drawn to 'wonder.' Happy new year!

  42. @Indrani Thanks, Indrani. I am glad you like the new look! Happy new year!

  43. love the new look of your blog :) I am still searching for a new look for mine... and your photos are beautiful as always!

    Wishing you a happy new year with uncountable wonderful moments!

  44. Sorry to hear you've been sick. Health is so very important. It took me years to understand that saying "When you have your health, you have everything." Seeing people whose health suffers makes me realize how true that statement is. Your photos are just gorgeous. Love those blues! The word I'm going for in 2012 is WORK! I need to work on my garden - it's a mess! haha Happy New Year!

  45. Hi,

    Beautiful photos, I love the cooler shades of winter but am also very much looking forward to the beautiful vibrant greens of spring; there's nothing I love more than fresh Hawthorn leaves, they're such a wonderful colour especially when the sun is shining on them.

  46. Glad to see you back, and glad you are feeling better! Your new look is great, and the bird picture is awesome.

    I would have to say my words for this year are work, nature, and grace. I am very excited to get out and work in the garden this year and see all the wildlife that is a part of nature here. I wish you a happy and healthy 2012!

  47. It's good to have you back, Michelle, and with such gorgeous photos! I'm sorry to hear about your bronchitis--breathing isn't something we should have to think about...Glad you're on the mend. My word for the year is turning out to be Engage. I've never tried the word-for-the-year idea and am looking forward to seeing how it pans out.

  48. Welcome back. I love your new look. My word for this year is accomplish. I have too many loose ends I need to tie up so I can move on to the ideas simmering on the back burner.

  49. Welcome back! I hope you had a wonderful holiday in spite of the bronchitis, and I hope you're feeling better. I like the idea of a new start each year, too, and I like all your word choices for the year. Off the top of my head, I think my word for this year is "healthy"--making some lifestyle changes like eating better and getting more exercise. Hopefully, that will give me more energy for more gardening!

  50. Wow - Spectacular new layout and colors!! I love it - it's so fun to have a change, but I know how much work you put into this. Welcome back and Happy New Year!

  51. So glad you're back, love the new format of your blog. So sorry to hear that you have been ill and hope that you will soon be 100% once more. I too have had to learn to slow down and not do too much, so my word is "enjoy", the garden, life, family etc!

  52. @Gone Tropical I am still tweaking this one, but I like how it gives me a little more freedom to be creative. Good luck with your quest for a new design!

  53. @HolleyGarden Thanks, Holley. I have always known how important health is, but I do slip from time to time. Good luck on WORKing in your garden this year!

  54. @gwirrel This year I am making a point of finding as much beauty in the winter palette as possible. Happy new year!

  55. @Indie Thanks, Indie. I like your word, grace...a word that is so helpful in living day to day. Happy new year!

  56. @Stacy Thanks, Stacy. I like having words to reflect on my direction for the year. We'll see how it pans out...

  57. @joene Hi Joene! Sometimes I look at all the things I want to do or finish, and I wonder if there will be enough time. Good luck and happy new year!

  58. @Rose Thanks, Rose. I think your word works for me as well. I am starting the new year with a cleanse. I always feel better after one of those.

  59. @Malinda Thanks, Malinda. I am so glad you like the new look. Happy new year!

  60. @Pauline Thanks, Pauline. Your word, enjoy, is such an important word. We don't seem to do enough of that. I hope we all can do more of it in 2012. Happy new year!

  61. Very happy to see you back! Really like the new look, it's fun to change up every once in awhile. I think there will be more and more issues with Blogger as Google makes updates to their way of doing things. Google Chrome has caused a bit of a headache for me already and now I hear about Google plus, not sure what that will bring.

  62. Michelle, I love the new look. It so sophisticated! Glad you're feeling better. My words for the year are organize and action. Glad to see you back!

  63. Hello Michelle. Your blog is lovely; I have been considering moving to an all black background myself.

    In regard to your words for 2012, please consider adding 'enjoyment'. Sometimes we're busy with so much activity in our gardens that we don't take the time to just stop, sit and enjoy.

  64. As soon as you mentioned making lists I thought you'd like to know about the free garden website Folia. It's a great resource for gardeners and has helped me keep on top of my 800+ plantings with photo's, notes, journals, milestones etc. They have an extensive plant wiki and a seed stash section where people can also list seeds for swapping. Here's the link to my Folia page so you can see how it works and hopefully join, the more the merrier:

  65. It's great fun, redoing the blog isn't it? And the photos really stand out on a black background. I had problems with explorer and my drop down menus. So they had to go...
    Hope you're feeling better and wishing you good health in 2012.

  66. Smukke billeder, men jeg synes nu bedst om dit sidste billede af den smukke fugl.
    Tak for kigget.

  67. Happy New Year, Michelle! The new look is very nice. I, too, like new beginnings, and I'm an inveterate list maker. LOL, one of the things on my to-do list for today was to make a to-do list for the week! I'm glad that you're feeling better, and I wish you a happy and healthy 2012. -Jean

  68. Glad your back. I really do love reading your posts. Wishing you a fun-filled gardening year!

  69. @Marguerite I hope the changes are worth it. I reserve comment for later. Happy new year!

  70. @GirlSprout Organize is always a word that is part of my goals. It seems there is always something to organize. Happy new year!

  71. Have a wonderful and creative 2012! I love the new look it shows off your excellent photography so well. Stillness is a good word isn't it, simple but difficult at the same time. My own word for 2012 is soul and my other one is expansiveness. Great to connect with you over the last year, lots more to come:~)

  72. @Debra @ Gardens Inspired Debra, we do forget about enjoyment...glad you added that one in. Happy new year!

  73. @Cally Thanks for the description of Folia, Cally. I have been meaning to check it out. Happy new year!

  74. @Janet Thanks, Janet. I still like using IE, so I don't know how that will work in the long run...we'll see. Happy new year!

  75. @Landbohaven Thank you for your kind comments. I hope I can make them even better.

  76. @jeansgarden Thanks, Jean. Lists really help me stay focused. Happy new year!

  77. @hardinars I am looking forward to fun in the garden. We had some snow and sleet today...wishing for more snow. Happy new year!

  78. @Foxglove Lane This time of year stillness really resonates with me. It is the one time in the year when I can truly sit with it for long periods of time. I hope your word, soul, follows you throughout the year. Happy new year!

  79. Too many words from which to choose. Perhaps "create." Create in the garden, on the page, in relationships. Happy 2012.

  80. @nittygrittydirtman Ah...create...perfect as a word for all elements of our lives! Happy new year!

  81. Happy New Year! Love your blog's new look, and I love the words for the new year. May you experience each of them in your garden and in your life. Have a great year!

  82. So sorry to hear you were down with bronchitis, Michelle:( I hope you had some time to enjoy a little fun during the holidays, despite that. Hopefully you are feeling better and full health is returning quickly! I really like your new blog look, and am glad you're back blogging again in 2012! (I am trying to commit to at least 2 posts per month...and if more 'show up' I'll consider that a bonus!)

    I like the words you've chosen...'enthusiasm' is a great one. If nothing 'grabs us' and gets us excited, it's hard to feel enthused. I am trying to get enthused about the little things, to find something in each day that I might miss if I didn't take a moment to look deeper. So 'stillness' comes to mind, as taking a little quiet time to 'observe & take it all in' is important;-)

  83. @Toni - Signature Gardens Thanks, Toni. I like developing somewhat of a theme to guide me through the year. Happy new year!

  84. @Jan@Thanks for today. Thanks, Jan. I am glad you are blogging again as well. Like you, I find it challenging to balance it all. I hope this year will be a year when it all comes together easily.


'I see trees of green, red roses, too
I see 'em bloom for me and for you
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world'
--What a Wonderful World

Thank you for visiting The Sage Butterfly blog. I enjoy reading your charming reflections very much. Have a great day!