
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Snow Splash!

Visit Wordless Wednesday for more photos.

© copyright 2012 Michelle A. Potter


  1. Dear Michelle, So.o.o cute! I have no snow here, but lots of dark-eyed juncos. Wish I could capture one with my camera as well as you have. P. x

  2. Juncos are here too and no snow. Great capture of the little guy playing in the snow.

  3. @Pam's English Garden Thanks, Pam. I really love juncos because they are so good at cleaning up the leftovers.

  4. Thanks, Donna. We had some snow on Tuesday, but now it is gone. I hope we will have more soon.

  5. Lovely birds!
    Ours are better than the weatherman at forecasting. Lots of birds at the feeders, much colder weather coming!
    Happy Wordless Wednesday!

  6. @Lea's Menagerie The birds are at the feeders quite a lot at this season. I hope we get more snow. The most recent one was merely a dusting and was gone by the next afternoon.

  7. How fun! I love little juncos -- so nice to see them once cooler weather arrives. :)

  8. What a wonderful photo. I love the snow splash. Our snow is melted again at the moment, but there maybe more to come this weekend.

    And I love your new header...beautiful!

  9. Lovely shot. So far not snow to speak of in our neck of the woods!

  10. @Amelia Thanks, Amelia. I was lucky enough to get that shot.

  11. @Jo I like watching the juncos on the ground. They are so nice to see in the winter.

  12. @Wife, Mother, Gardener I hope we will have more snow. It has been a strange winter with milder weather than in other years.

  13. What a cute shot! They are fun little birds, aren't they?!

  14. cute little bird in snow! Nice shot!

  15. Looks like that little birdie is having some fun in the snow! No snow fact a year ago we were snowed in for a week. What a difference a year makes...

  16. So sweet! The snow is supposed to move in here today--maybe I'll finally see some dark-eyed juncos here, too.

  17. Oh that's just adorable! Nice job capturing this image.

  18. Lovely picture - the bird looks as if it is really enjoying the snow bath!

  19. hello Michelle, just catching up and I'm sorry to read you have been unwell, glad you are better now, I like your thoughts and words in the previous post and love all the photos including this beautiful snow bird, Frances

  20. That is a beautiful shot !
    Perfect for Wordless Wednesday : )
    You have such a pretty blog her girl!
    Thank you for dropping by my blog!

  21. @PlantPostings They are fun. I miss them during the warmer months.

  22. @Malar The snow was so wet that it splashed when he landed. Too bad the snow was gone within a few hours.

  23. @Karin / Southern Meadows I like those winters when we have snow. This is turning out to be one of those where we have a few quick dustings...but winter is not over. I am still hoping for snow...

  24. @Rose That would be great! We have not had much snow this year. Maybe some of yours will come our way.

  25. @Bumble Lush Kitchen Garden He looks a bit surprised, doesn't he? Those snowflakes were probably cold.

  26. @Island Threads Thank you for your kind words, Frances. I am feeling much better and looking forward to 2012.

  27. @CanadianGardenJoy Thanks, Joy. He was competing with the other birds for some fallen morsels.

  28. Fantastic job capturing this little guy and the little pieces of snow flying in all directions. You must have been very patient to capture this moment.

  29. This is a beautiful shot. Kudos for capturing it!

    On January 12 there is no snow in West Michigan, but I know it's on the way. I moved all of the bird feeders so they are closer to fill and to more easily watch the goings-on.

  30. So cute! I love watching the birds!

  31. I have never heard of this bird before - what a sweet little thing - and so clever of you to get such a good shot.

  32. Great photo and perfect title :)

  33. @Marguerite I was lucky that at the moment I was watching the birds with the camera, he came by with his little splash. It does not always go that smoothly.

  34. @Debra @ Gardens Inspired I hope you got some snow. We still are snow-less. We have had a few dustings that really did not last.

  35. @Indie He looks like he just did something really spectacular, doesn't he?

  36. @elaine rickett These juncos come in winter and migrate north in spring for breeding. I like that, as ground feeders, they clean up the mess around the birdfeeders.

  37. @Rebecca The snow was so wet, it was easy for him to 'splash.'

  38. @Tatyana@MySecretGarden I am glad we had a little of the snow left on the railing. It melted shortly after I took this shot.

  39. I garden to enjoy the flowers and the birds. Your picture is stunning and so joyous!

  40. @Rosemary I felt the same about that photo, Rosemary. It made me feel joyous.


'I see trees of green, red roses, too
I see 'em bloom for me and for you
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world'
--What a Wonderful World

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