
Saturday, February 11, 2012


In the last 20 years, it has been very important to me to try, when I am able, to see the good in the world and people. I find when I look for that I usually find it. One of the ways I try to see the good is to try to appreciate and acknowledge gifts-- great and small, tangible and intangible. Sometimes a smile, a hug, or my husband's jokes are the biggest gifts I can ever receive. I have discovered when I take the time to be grateful and truly acknowledge the receipt of these gifts, I feel my life is full and joyful. I am able to see the blessing that we call life and live it to the fullest.

Although I look for the good, I am not blind to much of the tragedy and horror that exists in the world. I have not escaped some of this as many of us have not, but, for me, the important thing is to take the lessons learned from those events and, when I am ready, move on and get back on the road to seeing the good. So, today I welcome the opportunity to thank those who have recently nominated The Sage Butterfly for some awards. Thank you for thinking of The Sage Butterfly when you decided to nominate bloggers for these awards. I am honored and humbled, and I appreciate it very much.

Malar from My Little Garden extended the Liebster Blog award to The Sage Butterfly. Malar writes about gardening in Malaysia. Her blog posts include, The Beauty in Bitter Gourd, Lady's Finger, and Sunflower - Collecting Seeds.

My mother is German, and I was born in Germany, so I like the name of this award which means Favorite Blog.

The rules in accepting the Liebster Blog award are:

1. Copy and paste the Liebster Blog award on your blog.
2. Thank the bestower and link back to them.
3. Select five blogs with less than 200 followers (I can't always tell) and list them with a link to their blogs. Visit their blog and write a comment telling them you have nominated them for the Liebster Blog award.

The five blogs I have selected are:

Fourth Generation Farm Wife is a blog about gardening and living on a farm with chickens, a vegetable garden, and an herb garden.
Visit My Garden is a blog about gardening successes, failures, and visits to other gardens.
Rake and Spade is a blog about gardening in India. She has a terrace garden and plants tropical plants from seed and cuttings.
My Garden Haven has wonderful photographs of tropical plants and landscapes as well as visits to other gardens around the world.
Rainyleaf is a blog written by a Certified Professional Horticulturist. She writes about caring for specific plants, garden visits, and native plants.

Loretta at The Heart of a Home Keeper nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award.

Her blog covers subjects, such as Maintain Your Soils NutritionThe Stocked Kitchen,  and Sugar Shaping. It is a joy to read how she manages to garden, cook, and keep a home in her very own particular way.

Although I have already been nominated for this award, I am grateful, nonetheless. Thank you, again, Loretta.

Happy blogging and happy gardening and happy living!

© copyright 2012 Michelle A. Potter


  1. Congratulations on your blog awards! They are well deserved. I appreciate your thoughts on your life philosophy. I try to do the same--looking for the small little gifts that life offers. Like you said, you doesn't take away the tragedies and sadnesses in life but it makes them more bearable.

    Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage

    1. Thanks, Cindy. That is so true. I would rather see the good than dwell on the bad. I have my moments, of course, but I try...

  2. The colors and thoughts expressed are like morning dew. They are soft and comforting for the reader.




    1. Thanks, Pattu. Your kind comments are heartwarming. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Your thoughts are so lovely.
    gr. marijke

  4. Thanks, SageB, for nominating my blog! I am honored. :-)

    As always, I like to read your blogs, and admire the photos.

    1. You are welcome, and you deserve it! Congratulations and enjoy!

  5. Well deserved awards. Your thoughts are so inspiring and heartfelt. My mother is from Germany too! So, do you speak German? It was my first language; I didn't learn English until I started Kindergarten and my mother realized I didn't speak English, Oops! Btw, I started following you on Pinterest too...

    1. Thanks, Karin. I do speak German, but it was not my first language. I spent many summers in Germany speaking mostly German. When my brother was 5, he spent the summer in Germany and returned only speaking German. He eventually remembered English, but it was very funny and very interesting.

  6. Beautiful thoughts with gorgeous pictures to match. Congratulations on the awards.

    1. Thanks, Alistair. I think all bloggers deserve awards.

  7. Well done on your richly deserved awards. It's always nice when others like what we do/write.

    1. I agree, Bridget. It inspires and encourages me. I hope to continue for a long while.

  8. Congratulations on your nominations. Your readers appreciate your words.

  9. I'm so glad you were nominated. :o) I believe happiness is a choice and that there is something to be learned from every experience. Life is bittersweet - without understanding, or just accepting that things won't always go our way, the sweet would have no taste at all. You have an incredible blog and I'm always happy to read it!

    1. Thanks! I think it is a choice to be happy as well. Perhaps it is not always an easy choice but a choice nonetheless. I like having that choice.

  10. Many congrats on your nominations. Your blog is well deserved with the inspiring writing and beautiful photography. There are a lot of people in this world doing good unto others and often these wonderful souls are overshadowed by those doing quite the opposite.

    1. Thanks, Donna. It is a world filled with interesting and challenging people. It is a world that can inspire a lot of emotion, and I hope I can move my emotion toward the more positive--even in the midst of chaos and fear.

  11. Congratulations on both awards--they're well deserved!

  12. Congratulations - Your images complement your writing so well. I'm following you on Pinterest, too.

    1. I am following you as well. I really enjoy Pinterest and don't know why it took me so long to join.

  13. Thank you, Michelle. You're so sweet. Your pictures are amazing - makes me want to upgrade my camera!

    1. You are very welcome, Loretta! Thank you for the nomination. I really appreciate it!

  14. So well-deserved, Michelle. Gratitude makes the tough times a little easier, doesn't it. Congratulations on your awards!

  15. This is a very nice blog and I like your beautyful pictures!
    Have a nice day!


    1. Thanks, Jo. I am very glad you like my blog. Thanks for visiting.

  16. You are truly worthy of the awards for this beautiful blog.

    1. I feel so grateful for the nominations...keeps me inspired.

  17. Congratulations on your awards, Michelle. Your photos are a wonderful reminder of the simple joys of life, for which we should always be grateful.

    1. Thanks, Rose. I like St. Francis offering some snow. I hope we get more of it...I miss it.

  18. Your post is so inspiring and the photos are soothing!
    Congratualtion on the awards!

  19. Thank you, Malar, for the award. I really appreciate your support.


'I see trees of green, red roses, too
I see 'em bloom for me and for you
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world'
--What a Wonderful World

Thank you for visiting The Sage Butterfly blog. I enjoy reading your charming reflections very much. Have a great day!