
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Unruly Raspberries

I am pruning my raspberries today. They tend to get a bit unruly and spread. Mine are very young, but they still need some pruning.

This photo was taken in the fall.

To prune raspberries, prune away the fruiting stalks (that fruited this past year) and prune away the stalks that are spreading out further than about one and a half to two feet.

I happened upon a video that explains how to prune them. It is really helpful and helped to refresh my memory. I shared it on my Facebook (The Sage Butterfly) page...and also on my Google+ page. (Michelle Potter)
I am off with pruners in hand...
© copyright 2012 Michelle A. Potter


  1. I think you love pruning!! There's a woman with a purpose and a mission today. Roll on the summer when you will reap what you have sown, I can taste those juicy raspberries on my tongue:~))

    1. I love will be nice to have some in late summer. I wonder if I can wait that long...

  2. oh shucks, I don't do Facebook. by chance, do you also have a Google+ page? :-)

    1. I am on Google+...look over to the right. See you there...

  3. Rasberries... the very word conjures up a flavor that shouts: Summer!
    My husband is now growing them in his community garden, but they're so delicate in texture, that if he tries to bring some home for me to enjoy, they're squashed:(
    You've reminded me that I must take time to prune some of my ornamental shrubs,
    but today, the rain has returned. We really need it as the winter has been so very dry this year in the Bay Area.

    1. I just added some raspberry bushes last year. It is so nice to have them in the garden. Enjoy the rain...

  4. I love this fruit and it lookes very jammy!!
    Thanks for the advice how to prune it.
    gr. Marijke

  5. Try not to get too scratched up!

    1. Thanks, Kate. If I get a few pricks, it will be worth it.

  6. Thanks for providing this pruning advice. I planted some starts last spring. I'm looking forward to some fruit soon.

    1. Raspberries are so easy to grow, and I love to eat them. You are welcome...

  7. I cut a few canes on my blackberries the other day. They sprout new ones every few years and keep my birds well fed. But if I want blackberries I have to go to the store! The birds hog them all! :o)

    1. The birds get my blackberries as well...they are wild blackberries. I put a netting around my raspberries to protect them.

  8. I was wondering if you netted the berries, they disappear so fast at the farm. None are netted because they grow wild, but it is fun to watch the birds pick them clean.

    1. The squirrels, rabbits, and birds would get them if I did not cover them. I also enjoy the birds feeding off the blackberries.

  9. Raspberries? Wow! It's very expensive here! Yours look so yummy!
    Anyway I have extend you and award. Please visit my blog!

  10. I am honored! Thank you for extending an award to The Sage Butterfly. I really appreciate it.

  11. Strange, but I had a dream about planting raspberries last night. I have no idea what that means other than I'm ready to get busy in the garden again:) We had a cover of snow last night, so garden work will have to be put off for awhile. Those raspberries do look delicious!

    1. We were supposed to get some snow, but now it is only rain. I do find myself torn between getting ready for gardening because of the warmer weather and wishing for winter snow.

  12. always good to know the rules for keeping raspberries ruly, Michelle. Assuming that's your name and easier to utter than the rather more oriental and beautiful wise lepidotera equivalent
    p.s. am impressed with your garden notebook

    1. Lepidopterous insects aside, I am glad you liked the garden notebook. I am hoping to watch my garden grow, as they say, through those posts.

  13. Ah, great reminder...must prune my raspberries!

    1. I can't believe it is that time, but with the warm weather...

  14. I have been growing raspberries for years---the kind that bloom in the spring and fall. My father always told me to cut them back to hip height around now, but I found they produced better with no pruning. I just take out any dead canes. It might be because of the variety and also I am growing them in part shade.

    1. I figure whatever works is the best way to go. I am new at growing raspberries, so I'll have to see what works. I will try this method and go from there...

  15. Oj trzeba ciąć maliny, a czasami i tak wychodzą tam , gdzie się ich nie chce. "Smaczne" zdjęcie. Pozdrawiam. *** Oh, you cut the raspberries, and sometimes just go where it wants them. "Tasty" picture. Yours.

    1. Thanks, Giga. I, too, believe that sometimes you have to just go where the plant goes...

  16. I was drooling over raspberries in a catalogue today! I am wondering if they will do well here and if I can find a place to put them. I love raspberries! I am also thinking about planting blackberries.

    1. I also have some blueberries. The blackberries are wild, but I have been thinking about getting some hybrids.

  17. Yum! Makes me long for my summertime berries! Thanks for all the great pruning advice!

    1. Thinking and talking about it made me yearn for them as well. I hope I have a good harvest.

  18. Why is it my fruit trees, fruit canes or vines never seem to look like the photographs or sketches when I get out the pruners????

    I wonder if I can take my laptop outside to watch the video while I prune?!

    1. LOL...that might be a good idea! I make mistakes, too....or I forget.

  19. I've nominated you for the Versatile Blogger award, but see that you already have the award. Congratulations!


    1. Thank you, Loretta! Whether I have received one before or not, I really appreciate it. I am so glad you find value in The Sage Butterfly.

  20. Thanks for following my blog. Much appreciated. Good luck with the pruning. I had a bit of a disaster with my first attempt at raspberry pruning. I grew a new autumn variety and cut back the canes in spring. Then found out I could have left them because the variety can crop twice in one year.

    1. I did the best I could. My raspberries are young, so we will see how this pruning fared. I believe my variety only fruits once a year, so hopefully all will be well. I need to find a better trellis or support for them than a simple stake.

  21. Going to plant blackberries this year. I can hardly wait to have enough plants to prune. Hee!

  22. My berry garden is still a new addition to my garden, so I want to add more berry bushes as well. It will be so nice to pick all my own berries.

  23. I've not been successful with berries so I will admire yours from afar :)


'I see trees of green, red roses, too
I see 'em bloom for me and for you
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world'
--What a Wonderful World

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