
Monday, February 27, 2012

Wing Flair

© copyright 2012 Michelle A. Potter

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A Letter to Old Man Winter - Time of Vicissitude - W4W

This winter has been a time of ups and downs and flip-flops--a time of fluctuation.

Monday, February 20, 2012

An Outdoor Oasis - Garden Book Review

For many years, I have dreamed of an outdoor oasis--a place to go to rest, be still, observe nature, and enjoy good company. Over the years, we have slowly created elements to complement that vision.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Brush Piles Are For the Birds

In the spring and summer, we prune a lot of our trees and shrubs and throw the brush in a pile. It can be unsightly, but I know wildlife, such as birds and rabbits, use brush piles for shelter. Last year, we had a hurricane and some severe tropical storms that felled some trees and scattered branches around the yard. All of this went in the brush pile. This winter I see the Dark-eyed Juncos cavorting on and around this brush pile. In the photo below the brush pile is just beyond these young trees below the arrow.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Roses for Valentine's Day

Roses for Valentine's Day.

The petal maze of a rose seems unending, spiraling into infinity.

Hues of magenta wrap around a rosebud to encapsulate a magical surprise...

Saturday, February 11, 2012


In the last 20 years, it has been very important to me to try, when I am able, to see the good in the world and people. I find when I look for that I usually find it. One of the ways I try to see the good is to try to appreciate and acknowledge gifts-- great and small, tangible and intangible. Sometimes a smile, a hug, or my husband's jokes are the biggest gifts I can ever receive. I have discovered when I take the time to be grateful and truly acknowledge the receipt of these gifts, I feel my life is full and joyful. I am able to see the blessing that we call life and live it to the fullest.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Unruly Raspberries

I am pruning my raspberries today. They tend to get a bit unruly and spread. Mine are very young, but they still need some pruning.

This photo was taken in the fall.

To prune raspberries, prune away the fruiting stalks (that fruited this past year) and prune away the stalks that are spreading out further than about one and a half to two feet.

I happened upon a video that explains how to prune them. It is really helpful and helped to refresh my memory. I shared it on my Facebook (The Sage Butterfly) page...and also on my Google+ page. (Michelle Potter)
I am off with pruners in hand...
© copyright 2012 Michelle A. Potter

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

My Garden Notebook - February 2012

This month, I begin to document my garden here--projects, plans, inspirations, garden activities, etc.  I will be posting My Garden Notebook on the first of every month. I will look back on the previous month and look forward to the coming month, recording weather conditions, garden phases, project plans, and other important elements of my gardening month.