Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A Stroll Through Mary's Garden

A garden is unique to each gardener's personality, reflecting an air of that unexplained something from which the gardener obtains his or her ideas. Even the more natural, untended gardens have an unmatched allure. Touring other gardens is always so interesting to me. Not only do I get ideas for my own garden, but seeing someone's personality reflected in their creative decisions in the garden provides unequaled insight into the gardener as a person. And although I can appreciate almost any garden, it would be ultimately impossible for me to implement every single good idea I find. So, I pause, behold, and enjoy.

My friend, Mary, has a lovely garden. With many trees in her yard, she has numerous shaded planting beds. This offers a challenge that Mary has solved beautifully with shrubs and shade plants. Her garden is lush, full, and colorful. Some of the many alluring features of Mary's garden are:

the many ornamental garden decor items that sit perfectly in various spots around the garden

the way in which she combines plants for the most beautiful presentation

the shady areas where she has thoughtfully placed plants for interest and coverage

the planting beds and plants that only add to the charm of her garden and home

the charming touches and spots scattered here and there

the colorful and textural blooms and glimpses of wildlife

the very neat compost pile

the fig tree that produces delectable and juicy figs

the new addition, a beautiful pond

©Michelle A. Potter


  1. I love spending time in other people's gardens. I look at my garden remember the gardens and gardeners that have inspired and contributed to different parts. It all comes together create a place full of memories!

  2. Mary's garden is really nice. I like her use of hanging baskets and ornament too. Very tasteful.

  3. I agree, we can see more of a person through their garden, it is all about the soul. The little details and the attention to the darker corners are lovely....a very neat compost area indeed.......hell's bells.....you should see mine!!

  4. What a huge garden your friend has but beautifully tended too - you can see a lot of time and effort has gone into the views and vistas.

  5. I know exactly what you mean about feeling as if you get an insight into someone from seeing their garden. I love that arrangement of hostas against the painted brickwork, so simple and yet so effective.

  6. Simply lovely, and so much inspiration for shade gardeners who think shade = boring!

  7. I love the structure of Mary's garden and the tree trucks are beautiful to draw your eye up to birdhouses, etc. I like when gardeners incorporate other items along the way. I am certain every little ornament and birdhouse has a story for Mary.

  8. What a beautiful garden. Restful. Serene. I think you said it best - "beautiful presentation". Mary really has made a lovely garden.

  9. Mary's garden is wonderful. I can tell that she puts her soul into it. It must give her, and her fortunate friends who get to visit, a great deal of pleasure!

  10. Oh, how beautiful is Mary's garden. I also really like all ornaments she placed around her garden. Cheers to Mary!

  11. Thank you for the lovely stroll through Mary's garden. I love the shot of the bees. So beautiful! Mary certainly has the touch when it comes to using accessories and garden decor. She does so beautifully.

    Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage

  12. The photos have been taken very tenderly even though it's not your garden.

  13. Mary has a wonderful garden. The decorative posts on her birdhouses caught my eye perhaps because mine and plain and boring. Her compost pile is so tidy that it puts mine to shame.

  14. I went on my first tour of a private garden this summer and like you, noted that there was so much personality reflected back at me by the gardener who created it. Mary's garden is very similar, her personality is so evident and it's such fun to be allowed to see her personal space.

  15. @alison@thusbloominglife That is such a nice way of looking at it. I suppose in all areas of our lives we have bits and pieces from those whom we have encountered and our experiences.

  16. @gardenwalkgardentalk.com I thought she used those baskets so beautifully as well.

  17. @Foxglove Lane My compost pile is not that neat either. She keeps it very tidy.

  18. @elaine rickett Indeed...she has spent a lot of time making this garden shine. Thanks, Elaine, for stopping by.

  19. @Janet/Plantaliscious I like that part of her garden as well. She arranged that so nicely.

  20. @Tufa Girl I think you are right. There are stories behind all those lovely garden ornaments.

  21. @HolleyGarden It is serene and restful. It is a very nice place to visit.

  22. @debsgarden It does! She has introduced me to several shade plants of which I was not aware.

  23. @garden at nina place I think she will be very glad to see your encouraging message.

  24. @Cindy Garber Iverson I am so glad you enjoyed it, Cindy. She has worked very hard to create such a lovely garden.

  25. @b-a-g That is very kind of you to say. Thanks for visiting.

  26. @Jennifer@threedogsinagarden The first time I saw her garden I was taken by those lovely birdhouses as well. The fit so well among all the trees.

  27. @Marguerite Thanks, Marguerite, for your kind comments and for taking a stroll in Mary's garden. I don't think I will ever tire of visiting private or public gardens.

  28. What a lovely tour round your friends garden, she has planted it so beautifully. Mary certainly has a light touch, going with the conditions she is presented with and planting accordingly.Her shade areas are delightful and proof that shade is just as interesting as the rest of the garden

  29. She has really lovely gardens. I think garden art helps make a garden unique and shows the persons personality. Sorry I am so far behind. I'm incredibly busy and only catching up in the middle of the night. Still busy for a while yet, but wanted to stop by here.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  30. @Pauline I agree, Pauline. She has made her beautiful lot into a lush and delightful Eden.

  31. @Sunray Gardens Thanks for stopping by, Cher. Things are busy over here as well. I am hoping for a lull soon.

  32. What a lovely garden! Thanks for taking us along on your tour. I only wish my compost pile looked like Mary's:) I enjoy visiting other people's gardens, too; as you say, they do reflect the gardener's personality, and I always get some new ideas for my own.

  33. Thanks for the tour! I agree, I love visiting other people's gardens and getting ideas and just taking it all in. I love how she incorporated the water features and statues etc... Very inviting!

  34. That is the neatest compost pile I've ever seen ... helps explain why the rest of Mary's land is so tidy and attractive.

  35. Wow what a passionflower. The placing of ornaments so that they don't overdo it and look kitsch is quite an art - succesfully done in this garden.

  36. What a beautiful garden! I'm new to your blog. You sure made a sanctuary out of your garden. Thanks for sharing the beautiful photos. Have a great week!

  37. @Rose Her compost pile is one of the neatest I have ever seen. Thanks for stopping by, Rose.

  38. @kacky She has truly made the garden her own. Thanks for stopping by, kacky.

  39. @joene I wonder if we can all tell how someone's garden presents itself by looking at their compost pile...interesting theory.

  40. @catharine Howard She actually shared some of the volunteers from her passionflower. I am looking forward to its display next year.

  41. @Priscilla I am sure Mary enjoys your kudos. Thanks for stopping by, Priscilla.

  42. I do like the open nature of this garden. So many here have gates, walls, fences etc that say "keep out"' and the planting combinations are similarly loose and attractive. There are absolutely as many gardeners as gardens in this world.

  43. What a beautiful place to be.

    Thank you for your special comment and love coming to your blog and sharing your wonderful garden images.


'I see trees of green, red roses, too
I see 'em bloom for me and for you
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world'
--What a Wonderful World

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